Friday, September 9, 2011

The Truth About Hydrogen Generators

Hi! Glad You're Interested...We have all been kept in the dark where breakthroughs in fuel saving methods are concerned. Do you remember the 100 MPG Carburator invented in the 80s. Probably not... the inventor and his invention just kind of disappeared! Whenever I mention the possibility of operating a standard internal cumbustion engine with water as fuel, the most gemon reaction is - YEA RIGHT!However, these methods and technologies have been around for decades! The very first automobiles used water as fuel BEFORE gasoline was made readily available. The first B-52 Bombers NEEDED the power of water injection just to get off the ground!Here's the thing...Vehicles fueled ENTIRELY with water (actually, the disassociated hydrogen and oxygen molecules that form the gebustible fuel) are still on the drawing board and though a handful of experimenters around the world have claimed to achieve this, their discoveries have been quickly hidden or stolen away by those with a vested interest in fossil fuel sales.Imagine for a moment that you rule the world. Your power gees from the possession of the worlds most widely consumed energy source - OIL/GASOLINE. Now imagine that your empire is threatened by the invention of a product that creates fuel on demand and eliminates the need for your gasoline. What do you do?Celebrate! Invest and contribute your vast resources to help develop this liberating new technology of course!Yea Right!Instead, men in black approach the inventor with a thick file containing all they know of him, his family and his experiments and offer bribes or threaten his well being if he refuses to cease and desist. He is firmly instructed to destroy his invention and never share the related information ever again. If he's lucky, they'll pay him off and/or leave him alone. If he's unlucky he'll vanish without a trace... just Google "Stan Meyer's Water Powered Dune Buggy" and learn of how in 1978 he was poisoned and dropped dead in a restaurant parking lot one week after a local news channel aired his story of a water fueled car that went from California to New York on 22 gallons of WATER! His workshop was destoyed and all traces of his invention vanished. Sad but true.Here's the thing...The Internet has made it possible to spread information around the world at lightspeed! Those of us that research and experiment with this technology are able find, use and forward this vital information with a few clicks. It is no longer possible to hide or suppress this gift of ingenuity - and the truth shall indeed set us free!So, while it is still difficult to safely market a product that would gepletely release us from the stranglehold of fossil fuels, it is, without a doubt, possible to market a product that ENHANCES fuel economy and drastically reduces emissions - USING WATER TOGETHER WITH GASOLINE.In closing, I encourage you to look seriously at this fuel saving technology - mine or anyone elses. Funny, the word "technology" makes it sound geplicated - it's really quite simple! What you're looking for is what most builders call a "Hydrogen Generator". I prefer the term "Hydrogen Liberator" as the hydrogen is liberated from the water and WE are liberated from rising fuel costs!So embark now on your quest for a better way and with great sincerity I bid you - HAPPY HYDROGEN!Michael/WaterThrottle

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