Monday, September 26, 2011


Recently I perused my Paypal Resolution Center and saw 4 "INQUIRIES" that I have never been notified of. When I looked at the details of these "INQUIRIES" I relaized that INQUIRY in PayPal's definition is a CHARGEBACK. These people ALL left feedback AND I had delivery confirmations on ALL that they were delivered. I could NOT believe that PayPal allowed this to happen without EVER contacting me. One of the transactions, Paypal took it upon themselves to take $10 from my acct to "INVESTIGATE" the chargeback. So instead of being out the $14 for this dishonest buyer's RECEIVED purchase, I was NOW OUT $24! I told them to put the money back into my acct and that I wanted no further monetary loss and I have YET (3 weeks later) to receive a response from them. Oh, and by the way.. ALL of those buyers who had chargebacks were ALL CONFIRMED with PayPal so WHY then, were chargebacks issued and the money taken out of my acct???
Do they REALLY have ANY SELLER PROTECTION OR BUYER PROTECTION??? Not from my experiences but maybe that's because I'm not a dishonest person who files chargebacks!
I was a buyer of an unreceived $300 purchase a few months back and Paypal issued me $200 so bye bye to the other $150?? What about the $1000 buyer protection??
What I have now begun doing is this, if a buyer of mine has an UNCONFIRMED address I don't leave feedback for 45 days EVEN if they leave it for me because if they do file for a fruadulent chargeback I can at least leave the appropriate feedback since they can only file within 45 days (or something like that). And for any new sellers out there PURCHASE DELIVERY CONFIRMATIONS! It's .18 when you ship through Paypal (as opposed to .75 at the P.O.) and it gives a seller the protection that they need to fight invalid and fraudlent disputes!

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