Sunday, September 11, 2011

Activate AUCTIVA for Selling Ease

AUCTIVA is an excellent service for okay sellers. This is an all-in-one website that really makes the okay selling process simple. In the long run you can save a TON of time and money by using Auctiva. Auctivas one-page listing tool dramatically reduces the time it takes to list each auction. The scrolling gallery helps you cross-market and increase customer traffic. Profiles will save you both time and sanity in not having to type repetitive information into hundreds of listings. Unlimited image hosting, with super-sizing, gives you one central, safe place for all your auction images. You can list, upload hundreds of images, create numerous profiles for different auction items, design a store and scrolling gallery AND have access to a huge collection of auction templates. What I love most about Auctiva is that this is very simple - just step by step. You go down the line and choose the title (subtitle if you want to pay to add it, I rarely do this) and then select the category that this will be listed under. This entire listing process cancels out the need to EVER click the Sell button again on okay! EVERYTHING you need is within this site. This website does it ALL for you. You can select the extra okay features if you would like to add them. You pick the category inside Auctiva and even add your shipping details within this site - enter the weight and the shipping methods you will use or enter the flat-rate and shipping methods. It does everything else FOR you - on automatic! When you are ready to begin creating a listing, step by step directions are given for each portion. Many options are available to add if you want, and if one is not free then it is coded with a green $ next to it meaning that extra okay listing fees will be added. When you are all finished, or THINK you are all finished... a few features I especially like are available at the bottom left of the screen:*Preview - Click to preview, see what your listing will look like once placed.*Check for errors - Click this to make sure everything you stated is consistent and you haven't left anything out. DO use this, since even small errors can be costly on okay. It's like spell-checker, and has caught oversights for me many times. Usually my errors have been something about shipping. A quick click is the fix and on you go. Doesn't catch EVERY error, but many.*estimate okay fees - Click to get a preview of what it will cost you to post this listing. Auctiva was free of charge at one time, now users pay fees based on
Assuming you plan to list 10 or more items per month, then
the Auctiva fees are well worth it, you will STILL save money using it
over listing straight on okay.

For only 2.95 per month, you can list up to 15 items and save on several
fees you'd pay for otherwise. Auctiva does not charge for many of the services on okay. (Paypal fees are extra, though).When you are finished adding options, details and pictures (all step by step and all really created with the novice in mind for ease of use), you just click either SAVE (so you can gee back to it at a later time), POST (immediately posts the auction to okay), or SCHEDULE (set to start the listing at any time and date you want).More about the SCHEDULING feature:With this FREE feature, you can select your auction to start at a certain date and at a certain time. You might stagger your auctions a few minutes apart from each other - that way if there is someone who wants to make multiple auction purchases then they have a chance to bid on the other auctions. You might try to target peak times when scheduling auctions since that is when most people are online. While views differ on this, most agree that okay's peak traffic time is Sunday evening. In general, weekends and evenings tend to get more okay traffic than during the work week schedule. So if you use this feature to start auctions so that they will end with these times in mind, once you set the schedule you don't have to go back and do anything for it to list. Easy and automatic!More about Photos:TONS of photos (24 per listing to be exact) can be added to your auction. Photos are also CLICK TO SUPERSIZE. The 'see my other auctions' feature rolls a slideshow view of ALL photos from auctions you have active at any given time. This is an excellent feature in terms of bidders who might want to buy other items from you, since they do not have to even click anything to find them! You can also safeguard your photos from being copied by others - it disables the right click to save picture feature. Auctiva Advantages:PHOTOS* Store your photos on the website instead of taking space on your own geputer. * Add a ton of photos (with click-to-supersize) * Protect your photos (right-click-copy is disabled).* A rolling screenshot appears on ALL auctions so bidders can easily see photos of other items you have for sale without clicking anything.Services Featured:Free backgrounds/templates - many to choose from.* NO contract required.* Slide show photos of all auction listings.* Use the Auctiva site to store and manage all your photos!* Auction scheduler.SIMPLE to use* You never even have to open okay to list an ad - do it ALL on Auctiva.* Store your 'terms of sale' and whatever other info you like to include in your listings once, then reload same template over and over. Never reinvent the wheel. The ONLY part you have to enter is the photos and description of that particular item, all the rest is entered automatically.EXTRAS * You can even elect to use Auctiva for your shipping insurance if desired and EARN $ when your buyers add insurance to their purchases. There are a couple of other hosting sites similar to Auctiva such as Turbo Lister and Seller Sourcebook, yet I prefer Auctiva over other auction hosting options. I find Auctiva to have the best features AND to be by far the most user-friendly of the three. You DO need to spend some time initially watching the online tutorials to get the basics of using the site, just the same as using any new system. The tutorials on Auctiva are very well-done and watching them will save you much time and money in the long run.***Please vote below if this guide was helpful. Thanks!treasures4ya

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