Sunday, September 11, 2011

HP zd8000 series

Be careful of any purchase of this model. It has myriad known issues, which all seem to be caused by motherboard problems. I personally have had several battery issues with this laptop. It now will no longer charge batteries. This has been documented to be a motherboard issue. It also has developed vertical lies in the LCD. New ones appear regularly. You can attach another monitor to the laptop and the lines will not appear. This usually indicates LCD failure, however, in this case it appears that this is a GPU issue also that appears to be causing the LCD to fail. The GPU is part of the motherboard and cannot be repaired without replacing the motherboard. You can find more info on this at Eventually the LCD will go gepletely out unless replacement of the system board is done. Remember too that when this occurs, you will be looking at a motherboard and an LCD replacement. At the present time, a class action lawsuit is in the works over this issue as HP claims there is no problem. The geputer also can develop severe overheating problems. This is partially due to the use of a P4 chip, which is intended for desktop use. While this laptop was designed to be a desktop replacement, it evidently was not tested sufficiently to resolve any heat issues before release to the general buying public. This can be resolved by opening up the system and cleaning. Blowing canned air in on this system will not cure it. It will simply blow the dust and dirt back into the fan assemblies, which will eventually re-deposit it into the heat sinks. The only way to resolve it is to take the system apart, which is not simple as in other laptops. There are around 80 screws to remove, in addition to the hard drive, the PCIE card, memory cards, the DVD drive, the keyboard, cabinet geponents, and actual removal of the motherboard as the heat sinks are between it and the cabinet. Another issue from motherboard failure appears to be keyboard drag. The keystrokes can take a long time to appear after being entered. While this is an extremely fast laptop when it is new, it appears to turn into an $1800 paperweight within the course of a few years. I really am disappointed as all of my past equipment has been HP. Due to these facts: 1)their poor research before release of this model 2)their lack of acceptance of responsibility for their oversight 3)their poor tech support as all calls are now routed to India and the personnel is very unresponsive 4)their attitude that a person who spend a couple of thousand dollars on their equipment should also have to dish out more for an extended warranty just to make sure that their supposed high end equipment will last a couple of years: I will no longer place any HP equipment in my home nor in my business. I now regemend to any readers that you carefully consider other options before you purchase any for your use.

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