Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cleansing Crystals and Gemstones

By Lady Dark RavenCrystals can bring such joy and enhance anyone's life. Anyone regardelss of class, race, sex, age etc can benefit from the soft energies that crystals bring us. The important think is to learn to properly handle your crystals. This means, caring for them when not in use, cleasing them regularly and programming them with your intent!
There are several different methods for Cleansing crystals. I have mainly gotten my methods from reading Scott Cunningham's Book- Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magick, a great book for someone starting out with crystal magic. This book is a must-have for any reference shelf! As usual - Scott Cunningham's writing is easy to understand and his examples are based on real every-day applications rather than esoteric theory.
Here are a few cleansing methods that I prefer:

Bury the stone in the earth for a period of 2-72 hours - depending on how the vibrations are once you pick them up.

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