Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to Write A Guide

It takessome know-howto write a guide on any one article. If you know a lot about something, you should consider writing a guide about it. If it's something you feel someone will pay to have the information on, then sell the guide on okay. I had a "free" guide in this very spot about pricing vintage deviled egg plates. I tried to delete the guide and was unable to do so, so I decided to write this one instead.
Information on Writing a Guide, Catered to okay and Maximizing Profits
1. Know your stuff - There is no point in writing a guide on something you've "heard about" or know "something about". People will not be encouraged to buy based on "what you heard", especially if they find out later that you were wrong. If you know your stuff, you've done your research, and it is something you happen to be selling, people will repay you with bids on items that they weren't sure about, and/or items they didn't know existed.
2. Be Willing to Forward People to a Source -No one knows everything about any one subject. Try toinclude points of reference by way of books, internet links, and any other ways that a person can find the information that they need. The more points of reference you can offerthe better. (Sorry, no references in this guide, this is just from my own knowledge). :)
3.Include Visuals - Some of us are more audio learners; some of us are more visual. In this okay environment, most people are looking for something specific, and the closer they find to the "visual realization" the better. Of course, your guide may not cater to visual examples, such as this one,but if you can include a picture, it is helpful.
4. Be Available - Sometimes just writing a guide is strenuous.Leavingcontact information is importantso that others can clarify any questions they may have.As a result, someone that contacted you may end up saying to someone else they know, "you should check this out". Information isvital to greatnet-working, and net-workingis key to maximum business and maximum profits.
5.Use Simple Description - Not everyone understands the lingo you may be willing and ableto provide on your point of interest. Keep it simple.
6. Use Proper Spelling and Punctuation - No one likes to read a garbled mess, and they won't take you seriously no matter how much you may know. Run your guide through a spelling and grammar check by copying and pasting it into a Word program or something like it.
I hope this guide is helpful to those of you writing a guide. Please add a check mark to "yes this guide was helpful" if you feel that my information is poignant. I am more than willing to help any of you with any questions you may have. If it is something I really don't know about, I will try to forward you to someonewho does. Please forward your ideas/questions to me here at my username on okay.
I bid you good luck on all of your okay endeavors.

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