Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Coke Rewards Update 10/11/09

Here is an update since all the info on My Coke Rewardsappears to be stale...
okay has forbidden the sale Coke Reward Points butnothing states you can't sell the rewards you receive from the points. This is great since we collect the points for the prizes. If you have tons of points start redeeming them for the cool stuff like Gift Cards (GC), Coupons, Shirts, or Hats and when you post them for auction make sure you put CokeRewards in the title so we know the origin and it's easier to find ona search. Don't forget to throw in some points to sweeten the pot and you have an auction or Buy It Now most of us would jump on.
Their is a seller that pops upoccasionally selling a resource or Guide or ebook and how to obtain and reddeemMy Coke RewardsPoints.It claims that the buyer will find alternative sources on how to obtain points. He sells it for $2.50 (best offer) to $10, if you gee across this guide SAVE YOUR MONEY! I nicknamed the guy Capt. Obvious becuase he presents the informtaion like its top secret. As acourtesy to my brothers and sisters on okay I'll give you the one paragragh cliff noteof his ten page PDF eBook:
You can buy them cheap from people who misspell Coke Rewards on okay (no longer valid), You can snipe at the last minute before the bidding closes (no longer valid)You can make friends with a Coke Employee or Vending Machine Vendor (Which was 90% of the sellers on okay), you can start a fundraiser with your church or school for points and buy them for a donation. You get your friends and family involved by asking them to save their caps and points. And finally. drum roll please, I am sure you didn't see this one geing, you can find them in the trash or at your local dump!!!
This guy is great and I do not blame him for trying to make a buck but that was a waste of money. I let him know that it was useless to me and told him howhe could make some revisions to make the ebook useful. I didn't want a refund just credit in his ebook. He never wrote back so he took my $2.50 and ran.
And last but not least, point values have gone through the roof. My favorite item was Blockbuster coupons and gift cards. I guess Coke Rewards has schizophrenic accountants. One day you find items at a tremendous value then you log in a couple of weeks later to find them substantially more expensive. This make it extremely difficult to value your points. Meaning your points have little to no value then you try to buy a gift card or coupon and your points are valued at around 6 to 7 cents a piece. What I am trying to say is that in my opinion points have reached a median value of 3 to 4 cents a piece. Some items are way over priced (in Points) and some items are priced just right. You really need to do your math before you buy. And if your like me that pays with these points using your kidneys (in other words I actually drink the stuff and do not have an alteranate way of obtaing points) you need to consider the VPP ($ Value per Point) before you redeem your points. So buyer beware, unless you get these points for free and you don't mind wasting hours at the keyboard. Then do a little math, check the value of the itemon okay before you make an expensive purchase.
I hope I didn't waste your time other wise good luck and God Bless!!!
Update: 10/11/2009
Since I wrote this guide I have received a ton of offers for points, Thank you very much for the offers. Keep them geing! I have also received geplaints about the reward program. If you have a geplaint about MCR then you need to go to the Contact Us tab in MCR and file your geplaint through them. I am just a fan that wrote an opinion piece and have no affiliation to them. Do the same if you have a question for them. Yeah....I know it's faster if you ask me but I don't work for MCR or Coca Cola Corp. so it's a giant waste of time if I go out on a limb for them.
Finally I can't end this without mentioning how pleased I am with the new MCR format and that capping of rewards at 2000 points. This is so much easier to attain than to aim for rewards at 12000 and 25000 points. Those type of rewards were for the dirty coke distributors, thieving stock boys, and rip off mom and pop stores that would redeem thecodes before selling the product to the public. You would be shocked at the tactics employed by these knuckle heads to reddem points for products they never purchased. So to MCR, Thank You, for chaninging the rules and landscape of the promotion.

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