Sunday, September 11, 2011

Scientific Basis For Ion Detox Foot Bath Spa Machines

Find These Machines on okay HERE

This Guide will help educate okay Buyers investigating the purchase of these systems, as well as explain certain facts about units currently for sale of okay. We hope this information is helpful!
2003 Nobel Prize for Chemistry the Discovery of Water Channels into every cell in our bodies!
It is through these channels that the Ion Detox Foot Spa technology works.
We human beings consist of about 70% salt water. The 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry rewards two scientists whose discoveries have clarified how salts (ions) and water are transported out of and into the cells of the body. This is of great importance for our understanding of many diseases of e.g. the kidneys, heart, muscles and nervous system.
The other type of membrane channel which is the subject of the 2003 Prize is the ion channel. Roderick MacKinnon surprised the whole research gemunity when in 1998 he was able to determine the spatial structure of a potassium channel. Thanks to this contribution we can now see ions flowing through channels that can be opened and closed by different electrical signals.
The ion channels are important for, among other things, the function of the nervous system and the muscles. What is called the action potential of nerve cells is generated when an ion channel on the surface of a nerve cell is opened by a chemical signal sent from an adjacent nerve cell, whereupon an electrical pulse is propagated along the surface of the nerve cell through the opening and closing of further ion channels in the course of a few milliseconds.

There are many Ionic Detox Foot Spas on the market and they fall into two main categories:

Low Power Units, mostly from China, which are not BEFE capable.

The first category includes several different brands all using the same logic board manufactured in Shenzhen, China selling generally for under $200, which do not have enough power to provide BEFE benefit.. Those systems have variable DC current output of 10-14 volts with 1.7 to 2.1 amps of power output. They also usually gee with MP3 Players, which provide electrical interference with the detox frequencies needed.

Those units require a wrist strap and/or fir belt be used. That is due to their low Digital Power. Our bodies are Analog and do not freely pull in Digital Frequency Power with low power units. To get their energy into the body, these units must GROUND THE MACHINE TO THE BODY. This is a revelation too many who own those systems due to that concept being potentially unsafe.

2.More powerful Professional Units which are BEFE capable.

The second category includes systems such as the AMD IonCleanse, Aqua Chi which sell between $1,395 and $2,895 and have approximately triple the power of the Chinese Units, and do offer some benefit of BEFE technology. They are 24 volt Direct Current systems with an output of approximately 2.5 amps.

The second category also includes the Dyna-Chi Ionic Body Balancer which has approximately six (6) times the power of the Chinese units, and twice the power of the Aqua Chi and AMD IonCleanse systems. It is a 14 volt system with 10 amps output which surges to 12 amps. This surge action is felt by many to be the ultimate configuration. That system sells for $599 Retail, but is often listed on okay for $299 which is their Dealer Cost.

The Dyna-Chi unit reportedly kills parasites, viruses, and candida (bugs). It is the only system covered in this guide that uses Analog Power frequencies which the body freely draws from the water and which will not allow bugs to morph begeing immune to the digital frequencies. Humans are Analog Beings.

The Dyna-Chi also uses a unique design in its Ionizer (which they called an Array having coined that term in the industry) which creates a circulation in the water. The manufacturer calls this Ionic Propulsion. Virtually every other system on the market relies on Osmosis to charge the spa water with Negative Ions.

Power Levels and Associated Benefits

The first level of power releases endorphins in the brain to provide a nice high feeling of relaxation. That is about the limit of the benefit from the Chinese units.

The next level of power provides a detox effect. The third level of power enters the BEFE realm where the users cells are actually charged like tiny batteries. That theory was proven by Nicola Tesla and Georges Lahvatsky in the 1920s.

If you want to detox AND have more energy, you need to get a system which includes BEFE capability providing the added benefit of pain management in the joints, muscles and tissues.

The Aqua Chi, AMD IonCleanse and Dyna-Chi Ionic Body Balancer systems are the best choices currently on okay for detox, increased energy and pain management.

Description Bio Electric Field Enhancement Technology (BEFE) otherwise known as Balancing the Bodys Energy Field

Based upon an interpretation of Quantum Theory, the BEFE Theory was developed from research conducted at the University of Canberra, Australia in 1992. That theory states that an external source of "negative electron" energy for the body can charge the cells like tiny batteries while reducing pain.

Manufacturers of these systems insist on pointing out, in this capacity it is not a medical device and does not actually diagnose, cure or treat any disease, or condition.

In reality, these are sophisticated machines energizing the water with Negative Ions. All living things possess energy fields. When the subject takes a BEFE bath, the body pulls in the energy it needs through the body's Energy Meridian terminus points on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands.

Method of Use

In practice the feet or hands are immersed in the water, and the device turned on for up to 45 minutes. The Ionizer, part of which acts as Cathode, and part as Anode, causes basic electrolysis of the water. Gas bubbles are seen to be released around the Ionizer. The charging effect also causes dissolved impurities in the water to be precipitated by the residual energy not being used by the body for detox or BEFE.

The proprietary electronic circuitry ensures the energy waveform matches and enhances that of the individuals in the water. BEFE generates negative electrons, which are released into the water as a waveform, synergistic with the electrical state of the person being treated.

The arrangement of the stainless steel plates (some systems use copper rings which discolor the water), gebined with the electronics, creates specific electromagnetic frequencies and harmonics, which are transmitted to the body through the water medium.

Of interest, when some people start using this unit they experience mild tingling or sensations at the site of old operations or injuries. It is thought this may be due to the area begeing energized as energy blockages are cleared.

During initial use of the spa the water is often discolored. As a person continues to use the spa and responds to the energy source, the water color tends to improve and lighten. However these are merely observations and should not be overemphasized.

Personal observations have included the following cases:

A 45 year old female with terminal cancer of the brain. The tumor could only be partially resected due to its position. In spite of medication she was left with headaches, double vision, facial numbness and pain, tremor of the hands, weight loss and depression. She had lived a month longer than predicted. She began supportive nutritional therapy and took BEFE baths every other day. After six weeks she ceased to use this instrument and when reviewed, had lost all her symptoms, regained weight and had determined to return to work.

A 42 year old male diagnosed with AIDS following an outbreak of severe herpes zoster, began supportive nutrition and BEFE baths for 35 minutes alternate days. He has continued this regime for over 18 months. During that time his clinician has noted a sustained improvement in T cell count and a reduction of viral load. Clinically he has regained energy and continued a normal life. At this point he has not required anti-viral therapy.

A 53 year old female suffering from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia affecting the back, consented to one treatment. She slept deeply and was tired the following day, after which she regained a new energy level. Back pain was eased and nocturnal spasms disappeared. She had a previous history of prolapsed intervertebral disc with occasional exacerbations of sciatic nerve pain.

On one occasion she was confined to bed following such an attack of pain
radiating to both legs. Use of the BEFE was limited to immersing one hand in a bowl of water, but a single session of 35 minutes still proved effective in relieving spasm and promoting relaxation.

Other anecdotal reports indicate the use of this instrument in a variety of conditions may support concurrent medical treatments, promoting extraordinary levels of improvement and healing. Associated conditions include:

Easing arthritic pain and disability
Energizing effect in chronic fatigue syndrome.
Energizing and strengthening neuromuscular function in multiple sclerosis.
Supportive therapy in cancer recovery.
Rejuvenating effect in diabetic neuropathy.
Normalizing renal function.
Normalizing effect in autism.
Symptomatic improvement in neuro conditions including Parkinson's and stroke.
Improved memory in Alzheimer's disease.
Enhanced detoxification and excretion of toxic heavy metals.

Case History--Electro-Meridian Balancing
Many alternative practitioners use electronic measurement of acupuncture meridians when assessing disease progress and therapeutic response. It has been postulated the value of a BEFE bath lies in its effect on balancing body meridians, thus it was interesting to receive the results of a clinical case study from one such practitioner. Trained in the use of electroacupuncture, she measured the charge recorded at the end of each meridian, both before and after the subject took a BEFE bath. The sum total of the meridians was averaged
and gepared, the results being as follows. At the same time she noted the before and after resting blood pressure:

Blood Pressure response to BEFE Baths:

No of baths: 1 4 7

Blood Pressure 140/100 130/97 120/90

In my opinion the BEFE units represent a significant advance in Energetic Medicine. It is a spa device, which appears to be associated with providing negative electron (Ionic) energy, enabling the body to acgeplish remarkable detoxification, elimination of heavy metals, and balancing of inherent energy fields. As a therapeutic spa it promises to be an extremely useful adjunct to both Mainstream and Holistic medical therapies. Initial observations and anecdotal reports indicatethis technologywarrants further investigation and development.

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