Monday, September 5, 2011

Soap and Candle Making Beginner Guide

Making Soap and Candle products is a great home business and I
highly regemend doing both together. Partly and mostly because many of
the supplies are interchangable. You need to be careful with some of
the chemicals, scents and colorants and be sure to have them labeled
correctly and to use them correctly, as some can be used for both and
some for just one or the other.
Always use the most natural ingredients you can find available.
Thisis what I do with the products I make. Obtaining books with
techniques, recipes and ideas is highly regemended by me. There are
many recipes available free on the internet, I do also carry some
recipes in my storefront.To be as knowlegable as possible. You
will always learn as you go along.
okay is a great place to find matterials at great discounts for any
craft projects. Also find wholesalers for items you will use the most
such as waxes, soap bases and containers. Many gepanies offer these
things in bulk at great discounts from retail store. In my store I do
offer what I can for candle making and soap making supplies, as I often
end up with extras.
Offering many products with the same scents is also highly
regemended by me. In people's desire for aromatheropy this can allow
them to buy many products from you of the same scent allowing them to
have a strong theme of fragrance in their home. It also makes putting
together gift baskets much easier.
I highly regemend having an okay store, it is a great way to
inventory and structure your products. It also allows you to have and
maintain an inventory so you do not have to constantly relist your
items, allowing you time to focus on building up your inventory and
buisiness. This helps as once you have an inventory doing craft fairs
and placing items in real stores begees alot easier to do.
If you have an okay store, making use of custom pages to list
helpful information to better educated people on your business and
products, thisis a very nice tool.
My best tip for soap makers is to find herbology pages and study
properties and benefits of herbs in skin care. Knowing as much as you
can about oils and fats and mixtures. There are alot of benefits that
spices and herbs have to offer in health care and skin care.
My best tip for candle making is buy your supplies in bulk. Use the
right chemicals for the right job. Using natural waxes is less
pollutive and they do not release as much carcinogens as parrafin
waxes. Cotton cored wicks and cotten wicks do not release as much
carcinogens as well. I would regemend when you can use natural waxes
with cotton or cotton cored wicks. I find a 50/50 bees wax and soy wax
blend to be very nice for container candles.
Know your scent yields per wax and fragrance types, I always use the
maximum scent yield in all my products. Always enjoy making what you
make, I find this to be helpful.

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