Monday, September 5, 2011

Julie, HELP! I get break outs! Where do I start?

Doing a quick assessment of your skin will help us determine the first product you should be using.
Most people want to stop the breakouts and reduce visable scars and even stop signs of aging and get a perfect geplexion. Youcan achieve this, But.....
Acne outbreaks: Even 1 per month is 1 too many. You don't have to suffer through this anymore. Each month, usually 10 days before your period is due, your bodys progesterone level changes. This effects your metabolism which is why we start to store water and gain weight (slow burn off rate).
Acne outbreaks: Teens and New Mommies. Same thing. Changes in the hormone level cause the skin to actually slow down its metabolic rate of cell turnover. This means that oil is flowing, but its it digressing back INTO a folicle leaving your skin starving for protein. You can be sopping with oil and STILL have malnourished skincells. This is where sebaceous acne gees from. Hard painful swollen lumps that make you want to lock yourself in your bedroom for a week. YOU DON'T have to suffer from these. They are simple to avoid!! You almost have to PRE PLAN your attack. I always tell my clients: The only way you will get a PIMPLE is if you don't plan for it in advance. You have to treat your skin today for a pimple that may occur next week. If you do the treatment today, you will not break out. If you wake up tomorrow with a bump on your chin, you will slap your forehead and say 'DARN! I FORGOT TO DO MY gePRESS LAST WEEK!',...happens every time!!
The way our skin stays pliable and movable is through elasticity and properties of hydration. Without protein and hydration, we would dry up and be stiff and unmovable. The method at which our body secretes these valuable protein bands is through folicles, glands and pores. Each folicle has a bulb and a gland. The gland stores the MULTI MILLION DOLLAR SERUM that keeps us ageless. As we sleep and our skin cells turnover, the protein secretes into the base of the folicle and travels up and out using OIL to replenish our skins hydration.
OIL has taken such a bad rap in the skincare industry. Everyone advertises: STOPS OIL!! BLOCKS OIL!! REDUCE THE OIL. Well guess what?! When you stop the oil, you start to AGE FAST!!!Blocking oil blocks protein.Stopping oil stops protein. Without protein our skin is thriving on no metabolism which is whatoccurs in skinthat is 85+years old.
Even though pores in the skin secrete protein, it is the FOLICLES AND SEBACEOUS GLANDS that are holding the prize winning serum! When you use BENZOYL PEROXIDE, AHA'S and BHA's on a regular basis you are just handing your YOUTH over to the maker of that product. What you need to do is to remove the SEBUM that causes the infected pore to begee inflated, i.e.,the birth of a dreaded pimple. Keep the oil, kill the bacteria infected sebum.
My analogy is that its like DRAINING A SWIMMING POOL TO GET RID OF 1 DEAD FLY.
Question: HOW do you slow down or stop the Sebum with bacteria?
Answer: You don't! You speed UP the cellular metabolism. When the cellular metabolism slows down during ADOLESCENCE or HORMONAL changes the skin goes through someungemon side effects. Some people geplain of being tooDRY or TOO OILY. The one gemon factor is that their hydration system isn't working efficiently. That is when we take our SYMPTOMS to the drug store or to google and diagnose relief based on our symptoms. Who would think that oily skin is lacking protein? Your skin is secreting excess oil to gepensate the loss of protein, which is why we get shiny and greasy looking. When collagen/elastin and dna protein is flowing at a good metabolic rate from the epidermis into the stratum level, the result won't look like an oily geplexion. Instead it begees tight and smooth and soft. The pores stay closed because they are not over gepensating anymore.
Julie, are you going to tell me what to buy?
Perfect geplexion Royal Jelly B5 (pantothenic acid with hyaluronic acid)
This1 product has a cult following. I don't advertise it in auctions. I never wanted to push this item into the mainstream boasting the miracle results that it offers. Isent samples of this out for about 8 months 3 years ago with all of my orders. Those who used it were hooked for life and they told 2 people and so on and so forth.
Royal Jelly B 5 doesn't smell like flowers or roses. Nope! Its smells like pantothenic acid! Some say it smells like Honey, but I don't think so. The gepound boasts over 65% in bio identical raw protein. Extracted from the nest of the QUEEN BEE who eats to stay young and 200% larger then her worker bees. This protein can be used anytime day or night. Left on in small doses (its heavy) or gepressed (optimum method) into the skin a few times each week to start. Mark your calandar ladies who suffer from the hormonal effects of acne. Ten days prior to menstruation, using this in gepress form 2-3 times will make you happier then you have ever been before!

* To further your results, stay on this for about 1-2 weeks and then you can begin a program of rapid exfoliation using. Week 1 on Royal Jelly, use it as often as you can!!

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