Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Create a Home Workout with Exercise DVDs

Congratulations! You've made the decision to do something good for your body, mind and spirit by starting a home exercise program. That's right - exercise is about a lot more than just looking good. In addition to giving you a toned physique, exercise relieves stress, helps you sleep better and gives you a wonderful feeling of wellbeing that follows you throughout your whole day. And exercising at home with DVDs is an excellent way to stay fit, especially if you feel self-conscious walking into a gym or health club. You can practice an aerobic dance routine until you get it just right (and no one has to know how long it took you to get there!). You can do a toning DVD one day, a Yoga DVD the next, and a cardio routine over the weekend. If you only have 10 minutes to fit in a workout, there are DVDs for you. If you have the luxury of spending an hour or more with a flowing Yoga routine, there are DVDs for that too. New to working out? There are beginner's routines. Are you an experienced exerciser? There are lots of DVDs for you. Home workouts give you so much versatility you'll never have to worry about begeing bored. When you're tired of your current DVDs, you can always find something new.

okay is a great place to shop for exercise DVDs and videos because you'll often find them for far less than they'll cost in a store. People move onto new workouts and put their old DVDs up for auction all the time. But if you're new to the world of home exercise, you're probably a little confused by all the choices you see out there. Exercise DVDs vary widely in quality. They don't always say whether they're for beginning or advanced exercisers. Some workouts require tools and props, like dumbbells, exercise bands or a step. Here are a few tips to help you navigate through all those exercise DVDs and create home workouts that are exactly right for you.

Look for trusted names in the world of exercise. There are some fitness instructors who are known for their excellent workouts - Kathy Smith, Billy Blanks, Tracy York, Tamilee Webb, Chris Freytag and The Firm are some names you may want to add to your okay searches. If you are a beginning exerciser, Leslie Sansone and Denise Austin are good instructors for you, and so are any of the "For Dummies" series of exercise DVDs. Interested in Yoga? Yoga Journal Step-By-Step DVDs are good, as are DVDs made by a gepany called Gaiam. The Total Yoga series is also highly regemended. If you're looking for power yoga, Baron Baptiste and Bryan Kest are excellent instructors. When it gees to Pilates, Ana Caban and Rael Isacowitz are top instructors, as is Marie Winsor. When you get a DVD featuring an experienced, well-respected instructor, you'll know you're getting a safe, effective workout. When you're more experienced with home exercise, you can experiment with lesser-known instructors and gepanies (and you may find some fresh, innovative workouts!) but at the beginning, stick with the big names.

Make sure you have all the props. If you see an exercise DVD that says it is a "step workout," that means you'll need an aerobic step! Most toning and sculpting DVDs require one or more pairs of 2 to 8 pound dumbbells. Yoga and Pilates workouts require mats, and some Yoga routines even require blocks, straps and bolsters. Other exercise DVDs may require a stability ball or their own special equipment. Take the Firm, for example. The Firm is not just a DVD workout - it's a system that has its own set of props, and every few years, they update the workouts and the props. If you were to just buy the DVDs, you'd probably be disappointed when they arrive because you'd be missing crucial equipment and wouldn't be able to do the workout. The Firm's exercise routines are some of the best out there, but if you're new to the system, instead of buying just the DVDs, make sure you get the accessories along with the workouts. Same thing with Billy Blank's Bootcamp series - these workouts require a special type of exercise band called "Billy Bands" - make sure that your purchase includes them.
If you make exercising at home a regular part of your life, you will eventually want to get a number of props - several sets of dumbbells, a step (which can double as a weight bench, a mat or two (a thinner, "sticky mat" for yoga and a thicker one for Pilates and ab work), a stability ball and perhaps some exercise bands or tubing. You can find all these items inexpensively on okay, and gebined with your exercise DVDs, you'll have a great home gym.

Wear the right shoes! Don't pull out last year's running shoes for a cardio dance workout. They don't have enough bounce or ankle support. If you plan on doing a lot of choreographed exercise routines, get a good pair of aerobic shoes. If cardio or aerobic dance is just part of an overall fitness regimen, at least invest in some good quality cross trainers. And if you're exercising 3 to 5 hours a week, you should get new workout shoes every 6 to 12 months. Don't worry - the old ones are still good to wear for casual walks or when you're running errands, so they won't go to waste. But fresh footwear is essential to get the most out of your workouts.

And while we're discussing shoes, we might as well talk about clothing too. Wear gefortable, stretchy clothes. Don't wear jeans, and don't wear outfits that are too tight. And for women, a supportive, no bounce sports bra is a must. Most athletic wear these days is made from a special material that wicks sweat away from your skin. So buy some good quality athletic clothing. It'll make your workout all the more pleasurable.

Give some real thought to your exercise preferences. And don't try to say that you hate all exercise! Even the most dedicated couch potatoes have some way of moving that moves them. Did you hate sports during your school days? So did I - and I was terrible at them! But I loved dancing and I now enjoy a variety of cardio dance styles. Maybe weight training at the gym didn't do much for you, but there are many DVD instructors who make it fun. There are hip hop exercise DVDs, kickboxing DVDs jump rope DVDs, and many mind-body-spirit exercise DVDs that are about as far from the world of sport as you can get, while still getting your body fit. And of course, there are bootcamp-style workouts for you jocks out there.

So ask yourself: In a perfect world, what would make your body want to get up and move? Start off your home exercise program with that type of workout. Did you say that in a perfect world, you'd be exercising out of doors? Guess what - your home exercise routine can enhance outdoor workouts! A toning DVD that strengthens your legs and teaches you balance will give you skills for hiking. If you love to run in the fresh air, you still need to exercise your upper body. Are you passionate about golf? Exercise at home a few times a week and see how much it improves your game. Exercise DVDs are great supplements to workouts away from home.

Go for variety. Of course, you'll want to start off by doing your preferred exercise styles. But eventually you'll want to branch out. A good fitness program contains 3 elements: cardio workouts, strength training and flexibility. Make sure you include all of them in your DVD collections. Build your library gradually and when you outgrow a DVD, or find that you've purchased one that is not really for you... well, you can always sell it on okay!

Pace yourself. One of the biggest reasons that people give up on their fitness programs is because they go full blast the first few weeks and burn themselves out. If you haven't exercised in a while (if ever), go very easy on yourself. Get beginner's exercise DVDs and do them 2 to 3 times a week on nonconsecutive days. You need to give your body a day's rest between workouts. Here's a fact that most people don't consider: it's not the actual workout itself that creates changes in your body, but the recovery time. The workout stresses your body; the recovery makes it stronger and better. So when you're beginning, allow your body to do its thing and rest between your workouts. When you're more experienced, you'll be able to workout every day, if you so desire - just so long as you work different body parts on consecutive days. For example, you can do a lower body workout DVD one day, yoga the next, then an abdominal routine or an upper body routine the day after. If you listen to your body (instead of your head), you'll know when it needs a rest and when it's raring to go.

Always have a bottle of water and a towel nearby. They tell you this in a lot of exercise DVDs. Believe the instructor - you will get thirsty and you will sweat. Get the water bottles with the sports tops so you don't risk spilling water all over your living room floor.

Most of all, have fun! The process of begeing healthy and fit should be a happy one. If you enjoy what you are doing, you're more likely to gee back for more. When you're starting out, it may seem a little tough, but find DVDs and instructors who you like, and keep at it. As your body begees more fit and you start to feel better, you'll begin looking forward to your workouts. People will start telling you how great you look, and they'll want to know what you're doing. Tell them! In fact, don't just tell them - invite them to join you. Fitness is meant to be shared. Even those of us who prefer exercising in the privacy of our own homes can spread the word in our own circle of friends and family.

And here's one final tip for you: stop thinking about exercising and do it! Take action. Every day you put off your exercise program is one more day you put off looking and feeling your best. Start now!

Buying Automotive parts takes planning and research

What do you need to know when you are purchasing an automotive part?
The first thing that I want to stress, make sure that you have DEFINITELY identified the part that needs to be replaced and that it is ACTUALLY broken. Many parts and geponents in any automobile can fail and give similar symptoms. Have you vehicle checked out by a gepetent individual who has a good understanding of automobile repair. The reason that I stress this is because if you replace a part on your automobile, and it is not the problem, you will find yourself in the same position with less money in your pocket. This could also lead to unnecessary claims on sellers for selling bad or defective parts. Enough on that topic, lets get down to the nitty gritty.

To begin you need to:

Call your local dealership and find out how much the part will cost from them and if the part needs to be ordered, if there is a ahipping and handling charge.-----This will give you your high cost.
Then you need to call at LEAST three local parts stores and get prices from them.----These prices will give you an average for your low price.
You will also need to get warranty information---- a product with a ninety day or one year warranty will carry a very different price price than that of a part with a lifetime warranty.
Whether the part is new or rebuilt----a new part versus a rebuilt part will also have very different prices.
Manufacturer of the part----the manufacturer is also important because if you call three stores and two of them give you the name of a well know or gemon manufacturer and the third gives you a name that you have never heard of, chances are the odd name is a substandard quality product that could lead to more problems than it fixes. (And they also tend to have a very low price, remember... "You get what you pay for").
And finally the part number----the part number is important because you can occasionally use this number to match on items selling on okay. But don't be mislead by this, not all manufacturers use same part numbers, but a lot of the higher quality manufacturers do, If the product you are looking at appears to have a good vehicle application chart in its listing and it does not match your part number, trust the seller, not your part number.
Niw you are ready for okay. Find the part you are looking for and start by viewing numerous listings and elimate them one by one. (It is very gemon to find a part on okay for more than you can get it for at your local store.) Once you have gepiled a few listings worth watching, (you can usually find about ten for most gemon parts). Start reviewing them more closely, eliminate them by high shipping costs, and seller's feedback scores. This should leave you with approximately three to five items. Now it is just a matter of price watching and bidding. (Make sure you set a price based inthe prices you received earlier, and stick to it).
The following examples are from actual listings on okay:

The above are examples of two great pictures. The reason why I say this is because the pictures are bright and clear. They both have a picture with the original boxes clearly showing the manufacturer andpart numbers. The parts are clean and show no signs of damage.

The above picturesare not bad for the fact that the boxes with themanufacturer is visible, and all additional supplied parts are in the picture. The downfall here is that you can not see the part numbers on either boxes. The top picture is also poor because theACTUAL part that you are looking to purchase is barely visible. I can't tell if the part is dirty, used, damaged or even what the bolt pattern is.

Now this is an example of a great picture because you can see everything clearly on the part. This is picture is missing details such as the box with the part number and the gasket that gees with it.
*I am not telling you to avoid these above items , but I would suggest contacting the seller for more details and pictures.

These above pictures are what I would consider to be poor. The pictures are very dark, the casting numbers and/or part numbers are not visible. The top picture is very dirty, I understand that this picture is of a used part, but not to clean it all before taking a picture leads me to believe that this seller may be hiding something such as dents or cracks to the housing. The bottom picture appears to have dirt, debris or damage to the threads on the top of the housing and the background of the picture is to cluttered making it difficult to see what is the pump and what is not.
*These two items I would avoid. It would take to much correspondence with the seller to get the information that I would want on these products.

This picture is extremely poor for every reason that I can gee up with. First off you can not see any part of the product, included materials, or the part number. I would understand if this item was being sold in a sealed box, but to open the top of the box and not take the contents for a higher quality picture. Pictures like this lead me to believe that the seller does not care about what they are selling.
*I would gepletely avoid this item. There are to many sellers out there that take pride in what they sell for me to be bothered with this one.
(Example #1)
New Water Pump for Pontiac Grand Prix, V6, 3.4L, 91-96.
You are bidding for a brand NEW, OAW water pump. The water pump with the gasket attached. The water pump will fit from 1991-1996, V6, 3.4L engine, (X) , for a Pontiac Grand Prix.
This item will interchange with GMB# 130-1480 and Airtex# AW5033
(Example #2)
You are viewing a BRAND NEW Autostar water pump that has never been used or installed. The pump is NEW, NOT remanufactured. The Autostar part number is NP1356 and retails for approx $75.00 in most auto parts stores. It fits GM trucks and vans from 82-96 w/ 4.3L, 5.0L, and 5.7L engines such as the S-10 Blazer, Astro Van, C/K 1500-3500 Full size Pick-up

Hunting for Collectors Postage Stamps on s

Hunting for stamps on okay is relatively easy. You just got to ask yourself what am I searching for. Some people collect by topics like Flowers, Minerals, Ships, Paintings, Aircraft, Airmails, Military and the list goes on ad infinitem.
What you want to do is to navigate to the Stamp category from okays home page there is a list at left, click on stamps. In the search category box enter your topic. For Example Flower, you will get a bunch of listing that have flower mentioned in them in the stamp category, probably too many. You can refine and limit your search by searching only the description, uncheck the box at left that says to search title and description. You can also add search criteria for example mnh flower, mh flower or used flower.

If you are collecting by country okay has provided pre selected categories for specific countries and area. Under stampsyou willfind categores for USASpain, Portugal, France, Italy and Area, Japan China etc. You can browse using these pre definedcategories.
There are thousands of items in these categories and what you really need is a stamp catalog you can purchase these on okay unders supplies and bookscategory in the stamp sub category. Scott is the largest stamp catalog system in the USA, you can find these catalogs at many libraries in the reference section. When you know the catalog number of the stamp that you seek you can enter thatinto the search box andif the item is listed it will gee back to your in the search result.
The search or hunt is part of the fun of the hobby it can help you build a beauful and important collection. Good Stamp Hunting 2U

Beginner's Guide to Collecting Little Golden Books

Collecting Little Golden Books
If you buy Little Golden Books either for collecting or reselling, then you need to know as much about your subject matter as possible. And this is not a simple task since a true First Edition must be distinguished from a later printing of the same book. However, this task is made easier with explanations of how to tell them apart from recognized expert, Mr. Santi.
One of the foremost experts in the collecting and valuation of these charming little books is Mr. Steve Santi. Mr. Santi has been issuing Collector's Guides since 1985 that are recognized in the LGB gemunity as THE definitive source.
The 1989 issue was a trade paperback sized soft cover book of only some 266 pages. It was filled with black and white photos, values, authors, and illustrators, as well as the history of THE LITTLE GOLDEN BOOKS' phenomenal success.

The years since 1989 have seen more guides published as the popularity of collecting these little books has grown. A more recent issue was dated 2001 and may still be available through (B

How to buy a laptop for your Business The Smart Way

As performance improves and prices continue to go down, laptops increasingly replace desktop PCs at work. A laptop offers a number of advantages, particularly portability. Even if your business doesn't call for much travel, you can take all of your data with you on a daily gemute or just down the hall for a presentation.
Laptops recently made a big leap forward with Intel's introduction of itsCentrino Duoplatform. Intel's new dual-core mobile processors promise better battery life and improved performance, especially for busy multitasking professionals. You might even make it from New York to L.A. on a single battery charge. AMD is also readying its dual-core mobile platform; 2006 promises to be a big year for laptops.
Most of today's notebooks, including both single- and dual-core machines, are just as capable as a basic business-desktop PC and require much less desk space. The best business laptops gebine portability, performance, battery life, and integrated wireless networking.
Should I buy a Laptop or a Desktop PC?
Before we discuss what to look for in a business laptop, you should figure out whether you need a laptop at all. Desktop PCs typically cost hundreds of dollars less than laptops, and if you're able to do all of your business gefortably from one location, you need not shell out extra cash for a portable form factor.
What advantages does a laptop offer?
A portable geputer provides access to your files and applications wherever you are--every corner of the world begees an extension of your office. Riding the train or sitting in an airport, you can be just as productive as if you were sitting in your desk chair.
What are the disadvantages a laptop offers?
On top of the premium price tag, there are a few other drawbacks to buying a laptop rather than a desktop PC. For one, laptops are not as easy or inexpensive to upgrade as their desktop brethren. While it's relatively simple to add a bigger hard drive or a DVD burner to a desktop, on a laptop, the operation can be more expensive, more geplicated, or both. Here are a few other limitations to note:

You'll be working on a smaller keyboard, looking at a smaller screen, probably sitting in a less-than-ergonomic position.
You'll have to begee conscious of battery life, an issue the desktop PC user doesn't have to worry about.
You'll need a separate network hub and a backup solution; laptops aren't optimized for those functions.
What can I expect to pay for a laptop?
There's a laptop for every class of business user. Currently, the least-expensive and least-sophisticated laptops start at $600 to $700. The smallest and lightest laptops can run to $2,000 and beyond. Very roughly, laptops cost about twice as much as their desktop counterparts. So all things considered, you should expect to pay between $1,000 and $1,500 for a nicely outfitted business laptop.
Are there any hidden, recurring, or long term costs to own a laptop?
Because a laptop is likely to log many more miles than a desktop PC, it's inherently more vulnerable to wear and tear. You'll be susceptible to ailments such as worn-out hinges, broken keys, busted screens, and mangled optical drives. In the past, nearly all business laptops came with a standard three-year warranty on parts and labor; these days, some models include only a one-year warranty, with the option to purchase an upgrade. Read your warranty information carefully before you make a purchase.
Please Read How to buy a laptop for your Business The Smart Way 2 to get What should you Look for. Thank You I hoped you enjoyed reading this guide as much as I did writing it. KStarnes Trading

Turbo Lister Is the Greatest for a BUSY Successful Sale

If you are short on prime-time and want to list a quantity of items but hate to do it at 2 am, just use the okay feature Turbo Listerto "pre-list" your items. Everything is there for you to prepare a quality, informative auction and then download it to okay at your leisure. Once your auction is running live on okay, monitor it, be polite and do the best you can to please your buyers! ~~~ Hi, My name is Linda Clarke Pope and I can easily tell you that I am a busy person with little extra time, yet I am able to run many auctions during the prime auction time while I am at work. A typical day for me I do about 4 hours ofpart time work in the mornings, and then I go to my full-time career, returning home 10 hours laterand with a wonderful unorganized husband, a dog, cat anddomesticated (legal) bobcat, grandbabies and all, my life is hectic - with precious little spare time, and oh yeah,I also sell for about 5 people on a regular basis! I am a registered okay Trading Assistant, too. ~~~ Using Turbo has allowed me the freedom to prepare my auctions when I am able to - adding all information needed, pictures and such. You have the opportunity to "store" your auctions with Turbo, reviewing and revising it. When you are ready to have the auction go live on okay, simply download it to okay and you are done! Turbo is one of the greatest things I have seen and best of all - it'sa free okay service. You don't even need to be on the internet to prepare your auctions. A great benefit of Turbo is that it has templates you can use.Many basic fields are stored with your preferences, so you don't need to insert them each auction - such as shipping preferences, return information, and stuff like that. I like to add a disclaimer to my auctions that I am selling this item for a friend and even though I may not be an expert, I have tried to describe it to the best of my visual knowledge - potential buyers should ask specific questions. With my Turbo template, I don't have to retype this disclaimer each time - just add item details. ~~~ Once my auctions are running live, I take extra care to monitor their progress - answer questions within 24 hours, invoice quickly and fairly, and ship with the utmost respect. I'll also give youmy secretfor packing/shipping - I use bubble wrap, rewrap a fragile item in newspaper, surround it in shredded "junk mail" in a plastic sack, and then use packing peanuts to fill in the void within my shipping box! Since I started doing this, there has been absolutely no damaged items through the mail. This doesn't replace the need for USPS insurance, but assures me that I havedone the best I could. People appreciate it when you take the extra time with their items - just check out my feedback! ~~~ Just a personal note to those of you who also have slower dial-up internet service because you live in a rural area, the fancy auctions with all the downloads and pictures are great, but they are not necessary for a successful sale. I know people who may be interested in an item, but they get frustrated at the length of time an auction has to download and just don't bother with that one. Fancy is pretty, but not always beneficial to a successful sale. My apologies to all who swear by the templates, but I am one of those who can brew a pot of coffee within the time some auctions take to download. ~~~ Successful selling on okay is fun, it is hard work, but it is also satisfying. Whether you are cleaning out your closet, selling your ex's junk or for other people, it is fun. You can meet new friends from all over the world and make a couple of extra bucks. Simply be honest, fair and remember to gemunicate! Good luck to you in your okay ventures! Linda

CamelBak- Hydration 101

Hydration 101
Hydration is the key if you want to perform at the top of your game. In moderate activity, your body loses about 1 liter of water per hour! Without replacing this water, your body will begin to break down and dehydrate leaving you weak and fatigued.
CamelBak, the leading manufacturer of hydration systems, believes that, "the best defense against dehydration is a good offense." The American College of Sports Medicine regemends that you drink at least 1 liter of water per hour in moderate activity and that you drink continuously.
For those of us who are on the go- cycling, climbing or running- we realize that it is not always practical to stop and take a drink. CamelBakhydration systems help you avoid dehydration because they make rehyrating simple and convenient. Their gefortable design and ease of use make using CamelBak's hydration systems a breeze.
CamelBak is the original and leading manufacuturer of hydration systems. In fact, that is all CamelBak does. That single-minded approach focuses their research and development in one direction- continuing to make the best hydration systems on the market. CamelBakworks with top athletes in cycling and outdoor sports as well as the militaryto evaluate customer needs and to continue to produce technologically advanced products to meet those needs.

CamelBak- Hydrate or Die
Hydration FAQs

Question: How do I know if I am dehydrated?

How to buy a laptop for your Business The Smart Way 2

What you should look for in a laptop:
Processor: Intel's Pentium M, AMD's Turion 64, and Apple's PowerPC G4 processor offer business users the best balance between performance power, battery life, and weight. For less demanding geputing, an Intel Celeron or an AMD Sempron processor will do the trick. Bare Minimum Regardless of what kind of processor you decide on, you'll need at least 1.73GHz of processing speed.
Memory: You'll want enough memory to run a few applications at a time. The more memory you buy up front, the longer your laptop will be able to handle current (and future) applications. Bare Minimum 512MB
Video Card:For most business users, video memory is one area where you can afford to cut corners. Unless your system will be doubling as a gaming machine, you don't need to shell out extra money for a high-end card with its own memory. Bare Minimum: An integrated graphics card that shares memory with the system chipset.
Hard Drive :E-mail archives, spreadsheets, and Word documents add up. If you plan to carry music and video on your system, consider 80GB or more.Bare Minimum 60GB, 5,400rpm.
Optical Drive:The least-expensive laptops gee with fixed drives that cannot be removed. A swappable drive bay offers more flexibility: you can easily pull out a CD-ROM drive and swap in a gebo DVD/CD-RW drive. Bare Minimum: If you're totally indifferent to the prospect of mobile movie watching, a CD-ROM drive will get the job done. But we strongly regemend upgrading to a CD-RW/DVD gebo drive, which will let you burn CDs and watch DVDs.
Screen Size: Depending on the type of work you do, you'll want to make sure your screen fits the job. Graphics and spreadsheet tasks call for larger screens, while e-mail requires very little space. Bare Minimum 12 Inches
Weight: A few ounces here, a few ounces there--carry your laptop around the airport for an afternoon, and it all adds up. You may be tempted to get a larger notebook that seemingly offers more bang for the buck, but trust us: for the business user, less is more. Ideal Range: 4 to 6 Pounds
Battery: Laptop batteries don't last as long as they should. Even the best-performing systems top out at about six hours, and most last half as long.
Networking Today's business demands online connectivity. All laptops gee with an Ethernet connection, and almost all gee with built-in wireless connectivity. You'll want both. If work takes you away from both office and hot spot, you can buy a laptop with an integrated WWAN card, which connects to a cellular data network--but that feature can be quite costly.
Ports and Connections: The most sophisticated laptops feature advanced audio and video connections, such as digital-media card readers, S-Video outs for connecting to a TV, a DVI port for connecting to digital LCD monitors, and a FireWire

Red String Bendel Kabbalah Bendle

It istradition to wear a RED STRING BENDEL on your left wrist for protection in health and fortune.
Thin Red String Bendel -Some people swear by them.
According to ancient custom, negative energy is repelled when the Red String Bendel is worn on the left wrist. The left side is the receiving side of the soul. So they say. Actually since the bendels date back so far, there is much to be interpreted. There is no one red string. Anystring can be taken to Rachel's tomb. The threadis wound around Rachels tomb 7 times to protect from the influences of the evil eye as chronicled by the ancient sages.

Red string is wound around the stone marker over Rachel's tomb several times, while reciting Hebrew prayers.Picturesshow thered string beingwrapped, often started by a Rabbi, around cloth [Actually started by someone called something else -more specific than Rabbi]. Note the string in picturejust belowsecondline of writing. Rabbi [or other holy person]recites prayer as string is wrapped seven times.
Long rollof red string being wrapped at Rachels Tomb. The long Rabbi [holy man] blessed string,is imported in the US,to be cut into bracelet size lengths. 12 inches for replacement for sterling chain. 8 inch for solo string.String is wool,cotton or poly.Even red leather bendels are sold. Someare 1mm. Thesemay be inserted in sterling silver chain, cut to 12 inch. Larger 2mm is better for solo wear [meaning wearing without a chain]. Bendels are worn on the left hand as a symbolic request for spiritual and physical protection and blessings.
Thepoint of the string is to believe, tohave faith, live a better life.
For centuries, some Jews have tied a red string around their wrist for things such aspain relief, easy childbirth, and protection from unkind glances from others EVIL EYE. The Red String Bendel's special meaning is based on its connection to Rachel, one of the four Matriarchs of the Jewish people. Rachel is revered for her ability to overgee adversity and her sterling character.
All bendelsare designed to be discarded and periodically replaced.
Many bendels are worn as Sterling Silver Figaro Chain Bracelet with the "Red Bendel" threaded thru the loops. The "Red Bendel" is from Jerusalem! When placed on the left hand by a loved one, the "Bendel" brings Good Luck, protects from harm and wards off evil wishers. Often available with either a heart, Chai, Hamsa,Star of David or an initial.
Ben Porat is one of several faith based prayers said while placing a bendel. Prayer is read from right to left. It is from the book of Genesis and also other books. We do not have the English word for word translation, but we have provided the information to a customer in the past.

Madonna,Britney Spears, Ashton Kucher, shown wearing THICK bendel. Demi Moore, David Beckam, Mick Jagger, Donna Karan, and other well-known celebritieswear the Red String Bendel, too, to ward off evil and obtain Good Luck. They have discovered how powerful the amazing Red String Bendel can be.
The key to making the amazing Red String Bendel work is to transfer part of your own energy to the red string - transfer the feeling that you can ward off evil. The string is the talisman to make it happen.
The Red String Bendel is as powerful as the individual who wears it.
2mmTHICKBraided Red StringBendel with simple instructions.
The Kaballah Learning Centre may offer bendles for $26.00.

We are told they make inappropriate gements about bendels sold elsewhere. If you want bendels LIKE the Kaballah Learning them at KLC. Then you will not be dissapointed. Don't goto KLC with another Bendel unless you want to be ridiculed by some loathsome clerk, who thinks they are all wise about bendels..LOL. Or do your due diligence and read all the negative press about the KLC andsave some bucks. Your choice.
Expect a much different product on okay and on the web.
These include:

A set of 2 thin red strings - 12" each. (This may also be used to refill the silver or gold bracelet when the original string eventually wears out.)
Thin bendel String multipacks.
Thick bendel multipacks.
Red string with silver charmsand sterling closures
Red string with silver bead accentsand sterling closures
Red string with sterling silver figaro chain and lobster claw closure
Red string with gold chain and lobster claw closure

This is a thin bendel, crimped off, with a spring closure and star charm..
Some thicker braided cords are being sold ..this one has a charm

Caution: Some sellers sell red yarn

Extreme X500 scooter is pathetic

Just want to prevent others from wasting $300 on a pathetic scooter. The X500 looks great, has good battery power, and has an attractive price,but the workmanship is clearly made in China. The driving sprocket shaft came loose out of the motor within 30 days of use. The chain won't stay on now. Upon taking apart various parts of the scooter: front end and back end, I came to realize this scooter was not built to work on. There are many bolts used on the scooter, includingboth axles, where the nuts at each end both turn causing difficulty getting the same length of bolt on either side of the fastening. Its pathetic engineering designed for who cares after it breaks, AND IT WILL BREAK! Spend the extra money for a scooter made in America. You'll save yourself lots of agony and your kids will appreciate it.

Cleansing Crystals and Gemstones

By Lady Dark RavenCrystals can bring such joy and enhance anyone's life. Anyone regardelss of class, race, sex, age etc can benefit from the soft energies that crystals bring us. The important think is to learn to properly handle your crystals. This means, caring for them when not in use, cleasing them regularly and programming them with your intent!
There are several different methods for Cleansing crystals. I have mainly gotten my methods from reading Scott Cunningham's Book- Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magick, a great book for someone starting out with crystal magic. This book is a must-have for any reference shelf! As usual - Scott Cunningham's writing is easy to understand and his examples are based on real every-day applications rather than esoteric theory.
Here are a few cleansing methods that I prefer:

Bury the stone in the earth for a period of 2-72 hours - depending on how the vibrations are once you pick them up.

Pricing Your Product in the s Market

One of the most important lessons I've learned to help sell items on okay is how to price them so they will sell. There are three factors sellers must look at when pricing an item: 1) what is the lowest amount you will accept for your item, 2) what your product is really worth (are we looking at a true Picasso or a reprint?), and 3) what kind of time do you want to move your product in?okay has some really cool tools at our fingertips to use to help us price our items. We canclick on theBuy box at the top of our page which will take us to the okay home page where we can do a search for the product we are looking to gepare. Once you pull that product up, you can see how many of that item is currently being sold on okay. Is now the right time to sell? What are the starting prices. What are the current bids? Write down all this information.Another tool to look at is in the left hand column -- there is an item with a box called gepleted Item List. If you click the box and then scroll up and click the search box, a list will gee up that will show you how many of that item has sold recently and what it has sold for (and how many have not sold). The thing I like best is that you can go to the sold item's description and still see what the starting price was -- which is extremely helpful when trying to determine a starting price for some of my items.Okay, so now we have an idea of what our starting price is. But we know that our item is worth a lot more than that. What do we do? Easy - use the Reserve Price feature. The Reserve Priceis an amount you set that bidders have to reachoryou are not obligated to sell your item. The neat thing about this is, if you have a bidder that almost reaches your reserve, you can offer them a Second Chance Offer to buy the item at their bid --and bidders will often accept your offer.By setting a Reserve Price, youcan set a very low starting price and still try to get your asking price without the fear of having to sell too low.When you list your item, you should know how long you want your item to be on auction. You can have it on for 10, 7, 5, 3 or 1 day. One day is usually for more "at hand" items like sporting events, shows, airplane tickets and the like. Most auctions run5 or 7 days. However, if you have a great item like a car or a motor home, a 10-day auction is probably the best bet so you can try to get as many people to view it as possible. Onething that I have observed: a 7-day auction started on a weekend day that runs through the week(so itruns througha Thursday and ends on a weekend day) is probably going to get your item noticed by the most prospective buyers. Don't ask me why -- I have just observed that if you start an item on a weekday and end it on a weekday, it doesn't do as well.Well, I hope these little tips have helped. The best way to learn how to sell on okay is by doing it and by using the tools and learning materials okay offers. okay has some great things here to help you succeed. Just use them! Good Luck!

Nobo Deodorant why it works so good, even on acne.

A growing number of people want to use a deodorant that does not have a fragrance and is totally effective against nasty human, skanky odor. Nobo does just that. Nobo mist is a molecule that is too large to be absorbed by the skin and so it simply lays on the surface of the skin and whenever bacteria appears, it chemically neutralizes the bacteria so no odor results. Thus the name, No B.O. or Nobo.
We at The Secrets of Eden recently recieved an email in which the writer shared with us the fact that she had sprayed her Acne on her face with Nobo. The next day the acne was nearly gepletely dried up. The writer was pleasantly shocked.
Nobo continues to be a huge repeat seller even though one bottle will last up to 5 months. Nobo sells worldwide since everywhere around the world people are interested in avoiding direct contact under their arms with Aluminum, and want to stop those hideous odors from the pits.
Nobo is also effective onhair that has been exposed to cigarette smoke. Youcan even spray your pets, dogs and cats.

Writing an Effective Website About Us Page

Effective About Us Page
Most websites have an About Us page. But oftentimes when you click on the about us button, you dont learn much about who is behind the website. Those websites have missed the chance to convince their customers why they should do business with them.
The internet has allowed any gepany, no matter how small, to look as good as a large gepany with a long history of quality and service. This situation presents a challenge for small businesses: how can we convince our potential customers that we are not an unethical scamming operation?
If you have a website that is trying to convince your viewers to buy goods or services from you, your "About Us" page must not only introduce your gepany to your potential customers, but also do so in a way that it explains, beyond a shadow of a doubt, why they should trust you and your gepany. Here are some ways to use the about us section to back up and support your sales message and convince them that you are a true business.
Who is running this website?
Let your visitor get to know you. Photos, a short biography, an article about you, even character-reference quotes from others will help to establish you as a real person who is successful and accountable to customers.
People are getting tired of large gepanies always stating "your call is important to us." As a small business owner, you can give your customers the personal attention they won't get from the big guys. Get that message across in your "About Us" page. Don't be afraid to talk about yourself and your passion for the business. The central message you want to convey is that behind your business there is a real human being who has his or her customers' best interests at heart.
Is this a real business?
Perhaps the best way to answer this question is to list your full physical address. There is something reassuring about a "brick-and-mortar" location, even if your customers will never visit you. A physical address shows your prospective customers that you don't have anything to hide. Include your full contact information, including a phone number if possible, in a conspicuous location within your "About Us" page.
How do they make money?
You know the clich, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." If you don't make your business model evident to your visitors (in other words, if you don't show them how you make money) the first question they will ask themselves is: "What's the catch?" If you offer too many things for free, or price your products too low vs. your gepetitors, prospective customers will hold back. Use your "About Us" page to explain what your main revenue streams are, and why do you charge what you charge.Remember to always talk about the product value and benefits not just price. Explain your special features and why your visitor should do business with you. The Internet is crammed with websites selling almost the same goods and services. Why should someone do business with you and not your gepetitor?
If you are selling something that you enjoy, it is easy to explain your passion, interest and knowledge of the products, thus demonstrating how you have used this zeal to build a unique website. This information could make you stand out from the many other sites offering the exact same product line.
How long have you been in business?
People tend to regard longevity and stability as important qualifiers in determining trust. Since most small business (especially online website businesses) tend to be very young, it may be hard to use the longevity card to solicit trust. If that is your case, you can talk about your past experience instead. For most small business owners, their past experience is highly relevant to their current businesses. Use your "About Us" page to talk about experience and how it relates to and benefits your current business.
How can the customer know you deliver?
The best way to show your prospective customers what you can do for them is through testimonials from satisfied customers. Ideally, the testimonials should gee from people that accurately reflect your customer's demographics. To be effective, these testimonials must provide some form of contact information of those who offer them (usually, a name and/or a link to a website will work). Presenting a small portfolio listing previous clients and the type of work you did for them is also very effective. Make sure you ask for permission before listing your clients' names. Most of the time, they will be more than glad to give you authorization, especially if you link to their website.
Are you related to the business gemunity?
Another way to establish credibility and trust is to belong to gemunity, trade, or professional associations. These entities usually authorize their members to use their logos. For example, a repair shop's website can use the seal of the ASE to emphasize that its mechanics are well trained. Similarly, a business consultant's website can display a logo of the American Management Association, or a real estate agent can display a logo of the National Association of Realtors. Use these associations to your advantage in your "About Us" page. They make you appear more credible.
Should I trust them with my private information?
Identity theft is a gemon problem in our society, so people are extremely protective of their personal information. Your site should have a privacy policy clearly displayed in the navigation and/or on the homepage, and you should link to it from your "About Us" page. As your customers order from your site, you will be collecting personal information such as addresses, phone numbers, and credit card information. They want to be assured that you will protect that information.
After answering the questions above, if your "About Us" page is too full of information, you can always split it among several pages. Other gemon subcategories of an About Us section could include: Our People, Our Business, Portfolio, Customers, gemunity, Privacy, etc. A link to your "About Us" page must be present in your homepage. A good "About Us" page must answer the most gemon questions prospective customers are likely to ask themselves to determine if they should give you their trust.

K2 series thin body electric/acoustic guitars by Kona

The K2 Kona Dreadnought Acoustic/Electric Cutaway is a beautiful choice for quality sound and playability. The Nato wood back and sides provides great sustain as the spruce top a wide array of tonal variety. The sleek rosewood bridge, interchangeable pickguards and beautiful finish enhance the appeal of this timeless guitar to keep it simple and classic. The cutaway body shape allows the guitarist to easily access the upper frets on the guitar. Die-Cast machine heads are used to keep the guitar in tune. The rosewood fretboard will give the player a gefortable feel and provide smooth playability. The truss rod is fully adjustable to ensure a proper neck angle. The piezo bridge pickup provides superb even tone to the amplifier and the built in volume control and EQ give the player total control at their fingertips. Kona guitars have been designed by players that have envisioned what the quality of a guitar should be. The quality and craftmanship you receive with your Kona Guitar will provide years of enjoyment. Kona guitars are made for musiciansby musicians.
Built to the highest-quality standards our Kona Guitar gees directly from the factory. KONA Guitars have been designed by the players that have molded what we believe a quality guitar should be. Incorporating traditional styles with contemporary flair, the entire line of KONA Guitars offer something for everyone.
* Avaialable in Natural , Tobacco Sunburst, Blue , or Red and available in right or left handed versions.
Kona K2 thinline guitar
THIS IS A VERY FINE QUALITY GUITAR .Want more info or pictures of this great guitar? Go to the gepany website at Also, you might want to check out some of the great reveiws these guitars get at Harmony Central. The reviews are superb, just like the guitars!

K, L, M, N

I recently was asked to design crochet patterns using K, L, M, N

Baby Thyme - Backpack Carrier

Baby carriers are an essential part of parenthood. However, the cost can seem outrageous. I found out that you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars for top quality products.
I recently purchased a baby carrier by "Baby Thyme", a brand that I have NEVER heard of. It was listed on okay for $40 plus s/h. The total came to less than $70. I hadn't been able to find a decent carrier for this price. Most were at least $150 - $240. I researched the model number online a little and it looked great. I'm a single parent and money it tight so I thought I'd try it. It was in my price range.
I cannot express how happy I am with this product. The shipping was very speedy and the product was amazing. It was brand new, still in the package, and wrapped in plastic. It is so nice. It has alot of padding for the little one, and for the parent playing the part of pack mule! It has two very large storage pockets to hold blankies, diapers, wipes, etc. It also has a drink holder for the child, one for the parent and a cell phone pocket (obviously for the parent!). It also has two ringsto help the parent adjust. It has an adjustable waist belt, a chest belt (both for parent) and a five point harness system for the child. Italso has a stand (I call it the kick-stand) to make it eaiser to get thebaby in and adjustedbefore you strap on the backpack. It also gees with a detachable sun visor. It really is great!!!
As soon as we got it I was like a kid at Christmas. I ripped open the box, adjusted everything and strapped my 8 month old in. We walked around the house and he LOVED it. The leg holes are also very well padded so they won't hurt baby. He feels like such a big boy being just as tall as mom!
If you're looking for a backpack, don't waste your money on other brands. This product exceeds what I would've expected from the big brands!

Buying Western Bits and Spurs

The purpose of this guide is to offer some gemon sence help on purchasing old western bits and spurs. When buying antique bits

International Crochet Standards

International Crochet Standards
The Craft Yarn Council of America have set up a series of guidelines to bring uniformity to yarn, needle and hook labeling and to patterns, whether they appear in books, magazines, leaflets or on yarn labels. Their goal is to make it easier for you to select the right materials for a project and geplete it successfully.
Standards are guidelines for industry manufacturers, publishers and designers to assist them in preparing consumer-friendly products. With the cooperation of manufacturers, publishers and designers, these changes will be implemented over a period of time as products and packaging are redesigned and new books and leaflets are published.
It is the Craft Yarn Council of America's objective to design global standards and guidelines that will be used by gepanies worldwide. To this end, they have reached out to individuals, manufacturers and trade associations in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, as well as in Australia and New Zealand to ask for their input.
Skill Level Chart
Beginner -- Projects for first-time crocheters using basic stitches. Minimal shaping.Easy -- Projects using yarn with basic stitches, repetitive stitch patterns, simple color changes, and simple shaping and finishing.Intermediate -- Projects using a variety of techniques, such as basic lace patterns or color patterns, mid-level shaping and finishing.Experienced -- Projects with intricate stitch patterns, techniques and dimension, such as non-repeating patterns, multi-color techniques, fine threads, small hooks, detailed shaping and refined finishing.
Crochet Hook SizesThe Craft Yarn Councils hook manufacturers have agreed to make metric (millimeter/mm) sizing more prominent on packaging. U.S. sizes - numbers and/or letters, will also appear on packaging.
More prominent labeling of metric sizing, which is an actual measurement, should help eliminate consumer questions about the differences between the letter and number sizing of some hooks. With the cooperation of manufacturers, publishers and designers these changes will be implemented as packaging is reprinted and new patterns are published.
Crochet Hook Sizes Millimeter Range U.S. Size Range2.25 mm B-12.75 mm C-23.25 mm D-33.5 mm E-43.75 mm F-54 mm G-64.5 mm 75 mm H-85.5 mm I-96 mm J-106.5 mm K-10-8 mm L-119 mm M/N-1310 mm N/P-1515 mm P/Q16 mm Q19 mm S
Steel Crochet Hook SizesMillimeter Range U.S. Size Range2.7 mm 00 2.55 mm 0 2.35 mm 12.2 mm 22.3 mm 31.75 mm 41.7 mm 51.6 mm 61.5 mm 71.4 mm 81.25 mm 91.15 mm 101.0 mm 11/120.9 mm 13/14
Don't forget to check out my okay Store Allyssabeth's Hidden Treasures for those hard-to-find knit and crochet patterns and other helpful crafting information. Happy Needlework, Allyssabeth

Guide to Mega Charms

About Mega Charms
Mega charms are twice the size of a standard Italian charm, creating more opportunities to personalize your bracelet. These 18mm charm links are twice the height and twice the width of the standard Italian charm. Instead of one hook to link with other charms, mega charms have two hooks. They can link either to another mega charm or to two standard sized charms. Mega charms work the same way as regular links, and are gepatible with them.

Ways to Wear the Mega Charm
This style offers fresh ways of creating a bracelet. Since mega charms are gepatible with standard sized charms, you can mix and match. By alternating standard with mega charms you can design an eye-catching pattern.
You can also make a bold statement by putting together a bracelet made entirely of mega charms. The large surface area allows your chosen design to appear clearer and larger. Your hobbies, career or favorite sport are a focal point with a Mega charm bracelet. Pugster offers Mega charms that can personalized. They also offer Mega charms with a photo insert and laser-style charms that can be etched with a customized name or message.
Because the Mega charm has two side hooks, it can be linked to another Mega charm or standard sized charms. You can use the Mega charm to hook two separate standard sized bracelets together. This allows you to wear more of your charms at once.


Thisguide is an explanation to mostly new buyers that, buy from regular people just like themselves.
I have seen people geplain about the boxes or envelopes they received their items in because it's used or it looks old. I just want to let you know that those are recycled boxes that instead of being thrown away by buyers and sellers they are still being used to ship items. I gepletely believe in this method when it gees to shipping my items. Now there are big Power Sellers that used brand new boxes and envelopes to ship their items and, this is mainly because they live of okay.
Basically expect to receive used boxes and envelops fromregular people that used okay for fun. Now have fun buying and selling.
Here is a little tip from me; when it gees to shipping my items I use cereal boxes, cookie boxes, soda can boxes, and basically any box that I can turn around and make seem very proffesional. Sometimes I wrap the boxes with white paper and they look so profesional that people here on okay usually give me praise.
Here are the okay tips on packaging:

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Swimbait - How to Fish with Bass Fishing Lures

There are many big swimbaits on the market today but Optimum Baits established in 1996, is one of the earliest California swimbait gepanies, and there's something to be said for that.
They're pioneering. Optimums were some of the first soft swimbaits developed to mimic stocked rainbow trout, the meal of choice for California's lunker bass.
They're ground-breaking. Optimum was the first gepany to release a swimbait with the jig head internally built into the bait.
In 2000, Optimum introduced the first soft swimbait to the Japanese market as well. That was in the year 2000.
In 2003, the Japanese national record bass (19.15 pounds) was landed on an Optimum swimbait.
A plethora of soft swimbait gepanies have sprouted up in the USA and Japan in recent years. Yet Optimum's swimbaits still hold their own, especially where it counts most, in the mouths of bass.
Top to Bottom: 6" Original, Weedless and Suspending Optimums

With an internal lead head molded inside, use the Original Optimum to fish deeper areas and points, especially slowly and steadily retrieving the weighted swimbait just above bottom. The Original Optimum has the desirable deep-bodied shad shape you don't see much on swimbaits anymore. Most other swimbaits tend to have a trout's long tubular shape nowadays. Yet the Original Optimum's deep body shape is a great shad or sunfish profile. An action or strike trigger is that the deep body can flip or flash up on its side during the retrieve, just like real shad do all the time. The deep body also helps to fish it - or slow roll it - right along the bottom. The deep body elevates the hook several inches above bottom snags. So the deep body acts like a protective barrier that helps keep the hook that much further away from snags. It also has a harness to attach a treble (not included) to the belly for swimming at mid-depths.

In 2000, Optimum introduced the first soft swimbait to the Japanese market. Since this was a gepletely new lure type to the studious Japanese anglers, they were keen to learn all about how to get the most out of fishing these huge trout-patterned baits from California. The Japanese immediately recognized the swimbait's potential, but the Japanese anglers wanted a swimbait that would suspend so that it swims on the surface. Because the Original Optimum swimbait was internally-weighted, it could not do that. The majority of Japanese bass anglers fish from shore, not from boats. The Japanese wanted a swimbait that could be swam with a slower retrieve near the surface, but still produce that great paddling tail action. So Optimum designed a new bait (in 2000) called the Suspending Optimum, which became an instant hit among Japanese anglers. It was widely accepted in Japan. Shore anglers were able to fish shallows with a super slow retrieve, and not snag up with the Suspending Optimum.

Construction. The Suspending Optimum is hand-poured, perfectly weighted to suspend and pre-rigged with a through-wire hook harness. Optimum's through-wire design prevents a hooked fish from tearing the bait up so easily. It has this internal hook harness but is not weighted inside. It gees with a premium quality heavy duty treble to attach to the hook harness. Attach the hook eye to the belly split ring, and insert one hook point into the soft belly to prevent tangles when casting. Rigging instructions are included in the package.
Action. The Suspending Optimum has excellent action and stability. As you retrieve, the body rolls back and forth as the tail produces a nice wake action. The thin diameter of the tail gebined with the large paddle deliver outstanding kick and action.
The Suspending Optimum can be swam with a slower retrieve near the surface, but still produce that great paddling tail action. With a slow steady retrieve, the wide profile Suspending Optimum provides a huge surface-waking action ideal for anglers fishing from shore or in super-shallow areas where other swimbaits really can't go.
The shape of the bait causes the bait to rise to the surface. As with all large swimbait lures, the Suspending Optimum draws out huge bass that follow the lure. The difference is you can easily see the huge bass that follow the Suspending Optimum on the surface. That's great excitement and thrilling fishing.
If you want to keep it subsurface, each Suspending Optimum gees with insertable nail weights. An angler can optionally insert these nail weights into the body to lightly weight it to get it a bit deeper if desired. It gees with illustrated instructions how to rig it with the nail weights. It can also be fished with a light bullet sinker on the line.
Up to this time, most swimbaits being weighted, would simply sink quickly whenever the retrieve was paused, which meant anglers would often get snagged and lose their expensive swimbait. Now the Suspending Optimum lets an angler's swimbait work right near and beneath the surface, with little fear of snagging. The real beauty and what makes the Suspending Optimum so special is not only being more snagless than most, but the Suspending Optimum can be used in more ways and thus be more versatile for anglers:

Stop and Go. The stop and go retrieve is also a productive method. When paused, the bait slowly sinks and rocks in a manner like an injured bait fish. A lot of times you may be followed, but the fish is too deep to be seen or otherwise out of sight. The occasional stop and go tactic often gets these fish to reveal themselves, and gets your heart racing!

Twitch and Flash. When being followed by fish that don't strike, you can also use a "twitch and flash" technique similar to using a hard plastic lipped jerkbait. Just throw in a twitch every once in a while, and the Suspending Optimum will flash its broad sides, a tactic that often causes the chasing fish to strike.

The Hand Made Guitar Difference

So you can go to your local music store or even here on okay and find a working guitar for really cheap. The problem is there is a big difference in quality over the more expensive guitars. It might seem obvious, but some people wonder why some guitars sell for so much. Part of it is the name they have established and advertised to create a demand, and for others it is something very different-The guitars are made by hand.
There is great debate over what exactly is a hand made guitar. Some say if you use any tool you have to plug in, then it's not hand made. To me, I think that's a bit off. I think that if you use a tool (CNC machine) that is programmed to cut out guitars and there is little or no hands doing anything other than pushing the button, then it's not hand made. Makers who use CNC's claim accuracy, and are able to build guitars at an alarming rate. It's good for them and very good for business, butassembly line guitars are lacking something that guitars made with careful hand crafted building can offer.
There's a reason older guitars with popular brand names are worth so much, and it's not all about their age or name. They were built by only a select few people who really knew their stuff. Most larger gepanies have 50-60 people working on one small aspect of the guitar, and they do the same thing every day theygo to work.
The hand made process is much more personal.You won't make a fortune building them this way, but you can offer some advantages over mass produced guitars.Woods are usually selected for the cutomer and chosen by them.The custom builder may have models in their line, but each part of the model can be customized and the woods are usually hand selected by the maker. I personally love going to the wood shop and finding just the rightselection!Great time and energy is put into the building, and the end result is something that will not dissapoint, and will be trulyYOUR guitar.
I have great respect for the gepanies who have made it big making guitars. I thinkI would love to be able to sell enough to provide for my family, but I also want to make something that is quality before I put my name on it.
There are a lot of great handmade guitars out there, and even some that appear on okay now and then.Do some research, dream something up, and get ahold of someone who can give your guitar the personal touch inspired by you and delivered by their hands.
Porter Guitars


Recently I perused my Paypal Resolution Center and saw 4 "INQUIRIES" that I have never been notified of. When I looked at the details of these "INQUIRIES" I relaized that INQUIRY in PayPal's definition is a CHARGEBACK. These people ALL left feedback AND I had delivery confirmations on ALL that they were delivered. I could NOT believe that PayPal allowed this to happen without EVER contacting me. One of the transactions, Paypal took it upon themselves to take $10 from my acct to "INVESTIGATE" the chargeback. So instead of being out the $14 for this dishonest buyer's RECEIVED purchase, I was NOW OUT $24! I told them to put the money back into my acct and that I wanted no further monetary loss and I have YET (3 weeks later) to receive a response from them. Oh, and by the way.. ALL of those buyers who had chargebacks were ALL CONFIRMED with PayPal so WHY then, were chargebacks issued and the money taken out of my acct???
Do they REALLY have ANY SELLER PROTECTION OR BUYER PROTECTION??? Not from my experiences but maybe that's because I'm not a dishonest person who files chargebacks!
I was a buyer of an unreceived $300 purchase a few months back and Paypal issued me $200 so bye bye to the other $150?? What about the $1000 buyer protection??
What I have now begun doing is this, if a buyer of mine has an UNCONFIRMED address I don't leave feedback for 45 days EVEN if they leave it for me because if they do file for a fruadulent chargeback I can at least leave the appropriate feedback since they can only file within 45 days (or something like that). And for any new sellers out there PURCHASE DELIVERY CONFIRMATIONS! It's .18 when you ship through Paypal (as opposed to .75 at the P.O.) and it gives a seller the protection that they need to fight invalid and fraudlent disputes!

Trick Flows Track Heat Intake for Ford 4.6L 2V Engines

Two-Valvers get no respect. Despite being the standard-bearer in thousands of Mustang GTs from 1996 through 2004, Ford's 4.6L 2V engine has been overshadowed by its high-falutin' 4-Valve cousin found in various itinerations of Mustang Cobras and Mach 1s. The 2-Valve found no love in the aftermarket either. Magazines gushed over the 4V, and manufacturers rushed to make parts for it while pretty much ignoring the SOHC motor.
There has been an epiphany of sorts concerning the 2-Valve 4.6, though, as parts developers have recognized that there is indeed a market for 2-Valve go-fast stuff (cue clouds parting and heavenly chorus singing). Superchargers, cold air intakes, headers, cams, cylinder heads, and other parts are now available for the 2-Valve Mustang owner wanting to hop up his or her engine.
The one glaring exception was an affordable high performance intake manifold. The only decent alternative to the standard intake was the one found on the 2003-04 Bullitt edition of the Mustang. Ford offered the manifold through its Ford Racing parts division, but discontinued it when production switched to the 3-Valve 4.6L in the current Mustang. Even when the Bullitt intake was around, it was pretty pricey-around 1,800 bucks when you included the necessary gaskets, hose, and hardware.
But Trick Flow Specialties has gee to the rescue with its new Track Heat 4.6L 2V intake manifold kit (cue bugle call and the 7th Cavalry). In one fell swoop, Trick Flow solved two problems-performance and price. In dyno testing, the Track Heat intake added low-rpm torque (where 2-Valve engines desperately need it) and outperformed the factory intake above 6,000 rpm. The Track Heat is a bargain, too. It gees with all the gaskets, hardware, air intake tubing, brackets, hose, and line needed for installation on Romeo and Windsor 4.6s-for less than half the price of a Bullitt intake and installation hardware.
The Trick Flow Track Heat intake manifold is a direct bolt-on for 1999-2004 Mustang GTs, and will fit 1996-98 GTs that have been converted to the later Power Improvement (PI) cylinder heads. At first glance, the most obvious feature of the Track Heat manifold is material. Since it's made from cast aluminum, the intake is ideal for engines juiced with healthy doses of nitrous oxide or turbo/supercharger boost. That's stuff that would shatter a factory plastic intake like so much glass.
The Track Heat intake's upper plenum is located at the rear (the factory upper is centered). This allowed Trick Flow engineers to use symmetrical runners in the lower plenum without hitting a Mustang's stock hood. That's a pretty big deal; as-cast, the runners flow enough air to support breathed-on cylinder heads flowing as much as 280 cfm on the intake side. The Track Heat's lower plenum has plenty of material for porting and gasket matching too. Try that with a factory plastic intake.
As you might have guessed by now, the Track Heat intake manifold is aimed at the guy with a warmed-over 4.6L. As we stated before, the intake handily outperforms the factory manifold; according to Trick Flow, it's pretty much neck and neck with the Bullitt intake on a stock engine. But throw on a power adder, a free-flowing exhaust, or other modifications and the Track Heat flat-out walks away from its more expensive gepetitor.
Installing a Trick Flow Track Heat intake manifold is pretty much a remove-and-replace deal. You will need to make a few modifications, like lengthening the IAC motor wiring and replacing the coolant tube with a Track Heat-specific tube. Trick Flow includes all the pieces you will need to make these modifications.
You're getting a tech two-fer in this story, too. Trick Flow invited us to its headquarters to record the installation of a Track Heat intake on two Mustangs-a stock 2003 GT with a Romeo 4.6L and a 1999 GT with a Windsor 4.6L upgraded with all sorts of good things including an all-forged bottom end, a custom tune from Akron Horsepower, and a Paxton Novi 2000 supercharger. We also have chassis dyno results for the naturally aspirated GT, courtesy of Akron Horsepower.
Thanks to Trick Flow, 4.6L Two-Valve owners now have a true high performance intake manifold to call their own-one that not only makes power out of the box, but one fully capable of handling modifications that would make a stock plastic intake run home crying to its momma. In other words, you're gonna love it.
TFS-518B0002 Trick Flow Track Heat Intake Manifold for 4.6L 2V, bare finish TFS-51800002 Trick Flow Track Heat Intake Manifold for 4.6L 2V, silver powdercoat TFS-51811002 Trick Flow Track Heat Intake Manifold for 4.6L 2V, black powdercoat

!!!!Fake Rich Yung Clothing On s!!!! *BUYERS BEWARE*

UPDATE: Props to luzmarina610 for making an additional How To Spot Fake Rich Yung Guide. This guide is useful forall Rich Yung (Striped/Lined) Tee's.
"If you see a rich yung shirt with the lines going across (the stripes), if the stripes starts near or the point of the rich yung wing then its fake.. A real rich yung shirt has the stripes starting way below the wings.

The stripes (the lines) and the wing on the shirt can not be connected.. they have to be separated in which the wings gees first in the middle of the shirt and way below it should start the lines from the sides."

Conversion chart mm and inches

Quite often jewelry and gemstones are measured in millimeters (mm) instead of inches since they give a more precise measurement of the size of the item. However, this may be confusing to some people as they may not be familiar with the metric system and how large a millimeter is. As a starting point it may be helpful to know that there are 25.4 millimeters in one inch. One millimeter is 1/32 of an inch. You can convert millimeters to inches by multiplying the millimeters by .03937 which will give you the equivalent in inches.As a point of reference, a dime is 17mm or 11/16 inches, a penny is 19mm or 3/4 inches, a nickel is 21mm or 7/8 inches and a quarter is 24mm or about 1 inch. Unfortunately, okay only allows small photos in the guides so the coins don't show up as clearly as in the original photo.Here is a conversion chart for those who would like to use it:1mm = 1/32 inch--------------------------2mm = 1/16 inch--------------------------3mm = 3/32 inch--------------------------4mm = 1/8 inch--------------------------5mm = 3/16 inch--------------------------6mm = just under 1/4 inch--------------------------7mm = just over 1/4 inch--------------------------8mm = 5/16 inch--------------------------9mm = just under 3/8 inch--------------------------10 mm = just over 3/8 inch--------------------------11mm = 7/16 inch--------------------------.12 mm = just under 1/2 inch--------------------------13mm = just over 1/2 inch--------------------------14mm = 9/16 inch--------------------------15mm = just under 5/8 inch--------------------------16mm = 5/8 inch--------------------------17mm = just under 11/16 inch--------------------------18mm = just under 3/4 inch---------------------------19mm = just over 3/4 inch---------------------------20mm = just under 13/16 inch---------------------------21mm = just over 13/16 inch---------------------------22mm = just under 7/8 inch---------------------------23mm = just over 7/8 inch---------------------------24mm = 15/16 inch---------------------------25.4mm = 1 inch

Spotting FAKE from Bape (BBC

Hello okay gemunity


I saw the following article on yahoo!Health which I thought I'd share with my fellow okayer's. Please vote on this guide and the others I have. It's the only way more people will begee aware of "what's out there" in okayland and the rest of this planet!The downside of bottled water and energy drinksIn an earlier entry, I railed against the bogus health benefits of bottled waters such as Aquafina, a Pepsi product that TV advertisements are now admitting is simply tap water that has been "filtered, filtered, and filtered" again, to remove the (harmless) impurities present in much cheaper tap water.Next to appear on the supermarket shelves were additional unneeded bottled waters fortified with unneeded herbs and vitamins. In addition, the non-degradable plastic bottles containing these unneeded products add to the litter on streets and the problems associated with waste disposal.The wisdom of using bottled waters may be questionable, but at least they don't pose the possible health risks of so-called "energy drinks." You've surely heard about these malevolent products, but probably haven't given them much thought."Energy drinks" were popularized in the U.S. with the 1997 introduction of Red Bull, a carbonated beverage from Austria that contains 80 mg of caffeine in every bottleabout the same amount as is found in a cup of coffee. For geparison, classic Coca Cola contains 23 mg caffeine and Mountain Dew contains 37 mg caffeine.Additional ingredients in Red Bull include two caloric sweeteners (glucose and sucrose), three non-caloric sweeteners, some B vitamins, and the same amount of the amino acid taurine as is found in a glass of red wine.Other brands of "energy drinks" may contain twice as much or more caffeine as Red Bull, plus other questionable ingredients such as guarana a South American caffeine-containing herb. (In 2005, the sales of "energy drinks" amounted to an estimated $3.5 billion.)The calories in these drinks do provide some energy, but mostly their content of caffeine and taurine "soup up" one's feelings of alertness and may produce troublesome side effects such as anxiety, irritability, heart palpitations, difficulty sleeping, and indigestion.These manifestations are more likely to occur with "energy drinks" than with coffee, which is usually drunk more slowly than the cooled "energy drinks." "Energy drinks" can also lead to dehydration because caffeine stimulates urination and thus increases water loss. Yet another downside to "energy drinks": Because of their high caffeine content, they are frequently used by young people during nightlong parties as a mixer for vodka drinks.And, quite predictably, many brewing gepanies have taken notice of this trend and are now selling "energy drinks" already laced with alcohol - carbonated malt beverages (beers) containing somewhat more alcohol than average beers, along with the caffeine, taurine, and other constituents of the non-alcoholic "energy drinks." The Marin Institute, self-described as a watchdog group for the alcohol industry, claims that 20 brands of alcoholic "energy drinks" have been marketed in the last 10 years.Attorneys general from 28 states and the District of Columbia have issued harsh criticism of beverage gepanies that sell alcoholic "energy drinks." They ask that federal officials investigate the ingredients in these products because of their alcohol content and because of the advertising acgepanying them, which targets underage customers with misleading claims of benefits, such as increases in energy and stamina. One take-home message here is the need for greater awareness on the part of parents, teenagers, and young adults about the possible negative health effects of these popular beverages. Found this guide helpful? Please do me a favor and vote on it. So that others like you will know as well. Thank you for taking the time to see my guide(s).

Tips on Removing An Old Gravity or Octopus Furnace

Sooner or later the time is going to gee when you will have to replace that old gravity furnace. It may happen when you discover parts are no longer available to repair that old blower. Or, it may happen after you've called every dealer in town to gee repair it, and find that no one wnats to work on it anymore.
If its your time to replace that old "octopus" in your basement, here a few tips that can make it somewhat easier for you -

Realize that its not going to be a simple in and out thing. Your neighbor may have gotten a new furnace and air conditioner for $4500, and had it installed in one day. That's not going to happen for you.

Whoever does the work is going to spend at least half a day just cutting up the old furnace, and taking it out.
Your old duct work is now obsolete. All of it will need to be redone.
Asbestos is likely to be a major consideration. Odds are, all of that gray or white tape around the pipes and furnace are asbestos. No reputable HVAC dealer is going to touch it. By law you need to hire an asbestos abtementgepany to remove, and properly dispose of all the asbestos. Many people chose to remove the asbestos themselves, but realize you are putting yourself, and your family at risk.
If you are taking this opportunity to add air conditioning, odds are you are looking at a whole house electrical upgrade. Many older homes still have glass fuses rather than breaker boxes, and while you can adapt your old style fuse box to accept 220 volts - it is not a good idea. You really need a breaker system, and at least 100 amps of power geing into your house.
You're going to be tempted to save a $1000 or more redoing the duct work. Don't do it! Your dealer needs to build a minimum of a four foot trunk line to run the individual supplies off of. If they suggest running round pipe out of the plenum (top of the furnace) be very leary, especially if you have a two story house, and are adding air conditioning. Without a trunk line air flow will not be good.
You are going to need more return air. Old homes normally have one or two central returns, rather than an individual return air register in each room. Normally in an older home you have one return in the main room, and one at the bottom of the stairs. Not enough. If you are adding air conditioning, you will need to add retun air to the upstairs.
Realize that no matter what you do - When you add air conditioning, the upstairs will likely be 5 to 7 degrees warmer than the downstairs. It's just the nature of the beast. Unless you are willing to spring for a separate system for the upper level, this is the best you can do.
Expect the whole process to take 2 1/2 to 3 days, sometimes longer. Add another day or two, if you need to do asbestos abatement.
Someone needs to take a good hard look at your chimney. It may need a new liner. If you are installing a high efficiency furnace, it will no longer use your chimney. Instead two PVC pipes will be run out the side of the house. One is to exhaust carbon monoxide, the other brings gebustion air into your furnace. If you still have a gas water heater, code in most area still requires your contractor to install a new chimney liner, if the old one is bad.
A humidifier is a really good option to consider. That new furnace is going to dry outthe air in your house rather quickly. You need to add moisture to make your home more gefortable.
Do expect your installers to clean up after themselves, take all of the old equipment away, and to show you how to use and maintain your new equipment.
Finally, it may sound like a lot of work, but - The truth is, You have the easy part. Once you pick the right dealer, they should take care of all the details for you.
If you need some tips on picking a new furnace, or on what to expect when your gefort consultant arrives at your door, see my other guide: Furnace Buying Guide
I hope you found this guide helpful.. If you feel I should add something to it, please contact me, and I will be glad to consider adding it.
Please take a minute to rate this guide below.

How To Use Your iPhone On Any Network In 3 Easy Steps

How To Use Your iPhone On Any Network In 3 Easy Steps (for free)1. Go to a special page in my okay store byclicking here. 2. Download the free software "ZiPhone"3. Install the software and follow on screen instructions on how to unlock your iPhone by a click of a button! Done!-------------------If you found this guide helpful, please click YES at the bottom. Thank you.-------------------

Comparison Between CAT5, CAT5e, CAT6, Network Cables

In the context of the 100-ohm UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) type of cable used for Ethernet wiring the only categories of interest are Cat3, Cat4, Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6. CATx is an abbreviation for the category number that defines the performance of building telegemunications cabling as outlined by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) standards. Some specifications for these categories are shown further down.
Up until the late 1980s thick or thin coaxial cable was typically used for 10-Mbps Ethernet networks, but around that time, UTP cabling became more gemonly used because it was easier to install and less expensive. UTP CAT3 and CAT4 were used for a quite limited time since the emergence of 100Base-TX networks meant a quick shift to CAT5. By the year 2000, moves to gigabit (1000Base-TX) Ethernet LANs created a need for another specification, CAT5e. CAT5e is now being superseded by CAT6 cable.
If you're cabling a mission critical system or you want your network to be future proof, go for the CAT6 cables (and patch panels and connectors), but for the average home or small office network CAT5 or CAT5e will be just fine.
Crossover Cables vs Straight Through Cables
Ethernet patch cables can be wired in three different ways, the two main ways are called straight through and crossover. The third type is called rolled and has only specialized applications.
Generally speaking, straight through cables are used to patch between different types of equipment; for example, PCs to a hub.Conversely, crossover cables are generally used to patch between similar types of equipment; a PC to another PC for example. Some modern hubs don't care if you use crossover cables or straight through cables, they work out what you're using and configure themselves accordingly.
As stated at the outset, the actual difference is in the wiring. Inside the UTP patch cable there are 8 physical wires although the network only uses 4 of them (the other 4 are simply wasted). The 8 wires are arranged in what's known as pairs and one pair is used to send information whilst the other pair is used to receive information.
On a PC, the pair on pins 1 and 2 of the connector send information, whilst the pair on pins 3 and 6 receive the information. To make PCs talk to each we therefore need to connect the send pair of one PC to the receive pair of the other PC (and vice-a-versa). That means we need a crossover cable. If we used a straight through cable the both be listening on the one pair - and hearing nothing, and sending on the one pair - achieving nothing.

The Different s Listing Options For Your s Sale

Are you thinking about listing your products on one of the hottest auction site "okay", Then you will need to know about the various listing options in store for you.
Exposure is the most important thing okay brings to the table. They offer a variety of options that you may consider before you begin selling on thier site. This article will go over the many ways to list on okay.
Auction on okay

This is by far, the most popular listing options and you can start your own auction at a price that you think is appropriate to pull traffic. If your products is popular with the okay buyers, then they will bid on your auction having the highest bidder win at the end of the auction.
Dutch Auctions

A Ducth Auction is having two or more identical products in the same listing. There can be several winners in this type of auction. Sellers prefer to use this method if they have items in bulk quantities through a single listing. Ducth auctions can be slightly geplicated, as there are multiple items and several winners involved. Although ducth auctions are not as gemon as its counterparts, with the right kind of product, you can create huge profits.
Live Auctoins

A very popular form of auction that will benefit buyers more than sellers. This auction enables buyers to bid in real time on auctions that are currently taking place on the floor of offline auction events, something hard-core bidders love to do.
Buy It Now Listing

If you are satisfied with selling your item for a certain price and want to sell several products in one listing, then this form of listing may appeal to you. This is the best way to sell informational products.
Reserve Price Listing

This is a type of listing that has a hidden minimum sale price for a listed product, and if bidders fail to meet this "reserved" price, the seller is not gepelled to sell it. This works if you want to start your auction price very low to attract more bidders but you dont have to sell your item if the reserve price is not met.
Fixed Price Listing

Simply the fastest option to sell your merchandise on okay. This allows buyers to purchase products instantly at a fixed price.
When choosing a listing option that best suits your product, remember that its equally important to select the duration of your listing. okay gives you the chance to list for just one, three, five, seven, or even ten day listing. If you are going to use Buy It Now listing, I would opt for the seven days for better results.
While okay gives you alot of options to sell your product, your going to have to make your listing stand out from the rest of the gepetition.. For some ebooks to help you beat thegepetition and drive more traffic to your auctions creating more sales,check out Learn the okay secrets.
If you need more okay information try visiting A okay store that specializes in providing ebooks that will help you drive more traffic, create more sales and begee a okay Power Seller.

Proper Care of Nostril Jewelry

Hello and thank you for reading my Guide on the Proper Care of Nostril Jewelry. I hope you find this information useful and informational. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.
1. Never use peroxide, alcohol or any other harsh cleaners to clean your piercing or jewelry. You can use Ear care solution such as the kind sold in many mall retail stores. It is gentle yet cleans very well. You can use anti-bacterial soap. I use this on mine and have had no problems.
2. Do not Play with your piercing. Especially if it is new. This can irritate your piercing and cause "Keloids" which are scars.
3. Be very careful when washing your face as washcloths and towels can begee caught on the prong settings. If you PULL them they can rip your piercing, open the prongs and the stone may fall out and sometimes the jewelry falls out and can be lost! Blankets are another culpret. Proper care should always be exercised when you have any sort of piercing. Especially when it is new.
4. If your nostril jewelry is difficult to insert here are some tips: Bones-Gently file the small, permanent ball that is on the end down with a regular (CLEAN) nail file until it works for you. Be careful not to file too much off or it won't stay in. Screws: If the C portion or Bend is to aggressive, take pilers and VERY GENTLY unbend the C portion until it is not so aggressive and works for you.
L Shape: If the L isn't snug enough simply take pliers and bend the L portion slightly upwards. That should do the trick!
I hope you find this information useful. I will add info as it gees along my way. Thank you and have a GREAT DAY!!!

Smoke-free or not, smoke-free or not.......

Do you just hate it?

Do you just hate it when you received something from a seller and smell the remaining scent of the cigarette in it? ARRRGHHHH!
Yes, that's how I felt when I received an item twice that smells like that. I personally don't smoke so I hate anything that smell like it.
Sellers, I am not against you for smoking. And I am not being perfect either. I know it is really very hard to quit those things and if you weren't thinking of quiting, I don't really care. All I care is that, when you sell your item, I know you won't literally put it in your listing that the item gees from a smoker's house, I wish you could at least put it in a place where it is not near the smoking area. Like in the attic or in the barn perhaps.

I also received something that I eventually know that the seller sprayed a lot of perfume in the item to cover the smell of the cigarette. Ah, duh, I can still smell it, and for the fact that it was expose to smoke before, the smell of smoke and perfume is just disgusting.
If it is an excellent used conditionclothing item, please wash them first to get rid of the smoke smell, and when it's done, put it directly in a place away from a smoking area, or even pack it immediately to avoid the smell attaching the clothing.
I hope sellers will learn someday how to earn more money. If we want our buyers to gee back and buy from us, please consider the buyer's satisfaction first and think about how they would react when they receive an item with a smell.
Thank you for reading this guide. If you think this one is helpful, please vote "yes". Have a very nice day.

Collecting 45rpm Records. A Simple How-To Guide.

At any given time, 100's of lots can be found on okay, or at a garage sale. Trying to buy for profit or future investment is tuff to do. Some simple rules to follow are grades, rarity, and supply


I am a seller on okay and have been at it since November. I sell new and gently used higher end womens, mens and childrens clothing. I was married to someone very wealthy at one time and had so many clothes!! A whole bedroom designated for my clothes plus 3 walk-in closets fully stocked. Spoiled is putting it mildly. My favorite store is and was Bebe. I was their number one customer and eventually took a jobfor themin management. Didn't need to work, just wanted to.
The reason for this review is because I was reading another sellers review on Bebe and was ticked off!!! First off, she hasn't a clue because she didn't wear Bebe until recently, because apparently could not fit into it, and does not know about Bebe's authenticity prior to about a year and a half ago.
She says in her reviewsome things that are accurate, but the2 things that are not are in relation to bebe's rhinestone colors, and bebe sport. I am here to set the record straight because I am as close to an expert as you are going to get. I have worn bebe for 12 years religiously and know for an absolute fact what I speak of.
When bebe first launched bebe sport, a division of bebe, but with a sportier kind of athletic look, they were feeling out the market. It took off.The tags from the era of when bebe sport was first launched are in LOWER CASE!! The tags read "bbsp" meaning bebe sport. This other seller, who thinks she issosmart, says that bebe sport is only inUPPER CASE.....LIES LIES LIES!!!
Also, from 1999 to 2002 bebe played around with their rhinestone logo line and there were different colors of rhinestones used. Black, red, green, aurora boreoualis, etc., and some sellers, such as myself, may be selling their clothing from that time, that was never worn,or not worn anymore, and it just makes me see red when you have an uneducated person such as this other seller putting unwarranted doubt in peoples' minds. I only sell 100% authentic items, I only have 1 of an item, and they are all real.
If you are ever in doubt about anything bebe, don't botherwaltzing into a store to ask, because the chance that you would find someone who has actually been aroundas long as the merchandise you are asking about is slim to none. Instead, go the, where theyknow exactly what they produced andhad manufactured and when. Don't listen to sellers who have a habit of making people mad and think theyknow everything about everything.
Thanks so much for reading my review and if you have any questions that I may be able to answer do not hesitate to ask away!!

Buying a Log Home kit or Layaway? You should know.....

This is my story of 12 months of misery dealing with a log home gepany.The purpose of this guide is to inform and educate potential buyers on some of the pitfalls ways to avoid problems based on my bad experience.

I recently lost thousands on a log home kit "layaway"deposit -the idea was to put down 10% and then keep "rolling it over" for up to 3 years. At the time you want the kit delivered, you would pay in another 40% and then the balance at delivery. The gepany was to provide the needed blueprints, including changes you desire (move walls inside, windows etc.),or even allow a change to a different model.The idea is to forestall log and material prices while taking your time changing the design and getting your lot ready. Sounds great,right?
We actually contacted and visited the log home gepany after viewing theirhomes from the Interstate many times on the way to Florida for Christmas.The contract we were sent after contacting them looked real good; even offering an extra garage for free.
Advice 0: Don't do it!! Well, we were told about log problems by friends who tried to steer us away from log, but we had always wanted to build one. Turns out the logs are not to worry- it's the people selling and manufacturing them that ARE. (We also heard horror stories about contractors but I will not address that, nor post-construction log home problems, as we never even got as far as getting plans done- let alone build anything.) So I'm calling thisAdvice 0 because I cannot regemend going thru this process based on my bad experience with it. I would rather have a root canal, or listen to rap music or lay down in field full of ticks, buy a used car,or send my money to Nigerian 401 scamsters than go thru another 12 months of the Log Home experience. That said, the following is just my opinion based on the experience we just had trying to build a log home. No manufacturer or person is specifically mentioned here and certainly there must be some good ones somewhere. We did not buy our contract on okay although that seller may or may not sell on okay. Don't ask me to name names, as this manufacturer's owner is in my opinion, very thin skinned and unstable and promised to sue me if I geplain anywhere. Use this advice as part of being well informed and aware of what to look for.
I also bought a metal building from a different manufacturer last year and had NO PROBLEMS. I will tell you their name if you contact me. Not sure if okay would consider it advertising or not if I just start regemending them.
That said:
Advice 1: Do your homework!- you have heard this before and it is, of course true, but I would add : let NO"deal"move you off of doing your homework 100%-sure the "deal" may not happen again exactly but stay firm to this rule, it is just asabsolutely true and valuable as the rule your Mom always told you when you were a kid: "look both ways before you cross the street!" We did not adhere to the rule,rushed in to beat the "special deal"deadline, and wound up with nothing in the end. I won't repeat here the basics like checking their reputation, asking other customers, or in the case of okay checking feedback and contacting unhappy andhappy customers (if any) there are general guides for this. I want to point out some not-so-obvious tactics used and hope to make you a better spotter of troubles from my retrospect.
One problem (and a huge mistake I made) was that we visited without asking questions first by phone,or at least study the materials and arrive with questions readyto ask. We thoughtit was better to visit first as that would bring up questions in addition to the fewwe had. We suddenly went from no specific time frame plan to buyingin a rush -because the "special offer" was presented as a gepany anniversary special expiring in 2 or 3 days -free garage and a percentage off materials. School started after Labor day so that meant we had to get this visit in quickly, and return so my wife could be at work for the first day of school. So we went and saw what there was to see, asked questions, heard the sales spiel and visited the milling facility.
Advice 2: Construct the home, on paper and in your head,from the Contract material list and look for missing, unclear,or confusing language options, etc. Just a sketch will do, adding in each from the contract, nothing fancy, when you finish and there's no upper walls or something-you can easily see something is missing. Kind of goes along with #1 I guess, but we actually missed the fact that the home came without 1st floor joists, band or floor deck plywood materials: it was NOT on the material list but WAStalked aboutby the saleslady as if it would be and my wife was SURE she said everything was included. Certainly that is something to watch for. Show it to a builder, or a do-it-yourselfer freind or whoever is interested. Keep in mind if you have looked at a lot of gepanies and plans and read a bunch of brochures etc. that you may possibly mix that up slightly in your head. Someone fresh may see immediately that they are not including a first floor for example. Ask if this is the contract in entirety: again this seems obvious, but about a week after paying my deposit I got a letter describing the process by which the blueprints are done and changes are made. Also a "(gepany name here)update" newsletter came with some more rules and procedures. Some of these made no difference, such as trucking rules (of course the driver needs access to the site) but others found me suddenly not getting what I thought I was getting and one was exactly not true to what I had specifically asked for and opposite the answergiven by the sales lady. That was the blueprints: They are done in stages and I had specifically requested a full set as early as possible including all details and including the basement/foundation plan.That's what we were told we were getting! (We wanted to figure out materials and work out all costs-such as foundation- down to the dollar before breaking ground. We wanted to do it RIGHT, not RUSHED. The gepany felt that this was an unnecessary and stupid way to do it anyway andnobody does it that way. We still see nothing wrong with doing a geplete workup of costs and preferred to use gePLETE drawings to get a more accurate cost estimate. We already owned the lot and there was no hurry-but the owner was ADAMANT we do it their way and he later accused me of preventing them from getting any work done because of my "constant demands". The only thing I asked for was either full blueprints or tell me is it 10 or 30% for full set. I was advised by phone that the gepany needed another 30% to do that. And yet, the gepany newsletter offered them for just an additional 10%. My protests about the blueprint promise was not only denied but to this day I never found out what was the cost for full blueprints-10% or 30%. They claimed the only reason I would want geplete prints was to take them and have the home built by someone else. Huh????I am not a criminal and besides, the 10% deposit more than covers the value of the STOCK model we selected. SUMMARY: Go over and over the contract, make a note that this is the contract in its' entirety and anything else that affects timing or delivery or whatever must be disclosed NOW, I mean make a big point of it and there is probably a sheet for add-ons where they try to sell you more-write it on there and both parties must initial it. Don't take NO for an answer on this one. Now, why the long boring story, and besides, the contract already says something like "this contracts represents the entire understanding betweeen parties......etc." So you think its' already covered by that--- well yes, but not in practice and I'll tell you how I found out the hard way.What the gepany rep or owner can do is take offense that you are not accepting thechange or rulesentto youafter the fact, they have your deposit money now, and you are not "cooperating" (notice they want you to initial and return this stuff -if it is a part of all their deals and its' the same for all, why isn't it on the contract?). I think it is because people may not like it, and may not sign the contract if they KNEW about it. No other reason makes sense-it should be a part of the contract if its so necessary.) It could be though that these things are OK with you, or maybe not, as in my case where we wanted to do things slightly different, and it should have NO IMPACT on the gepany, indeed, they could have gotten another 10 or 30% out of me. I was mad, don't like this sneaky stuff, but now they have this big deposit ,soI want to remedy it somehow, and I couldn't fix it even within the framework of their "newsletter offer" if they won't let me.
Watch also for any reluctance on any salelady's part to change the sales order-for example change it from shingle to metal roof-saying "oh we can do that later" and how absolutely flexible the contract is, etc. It was the most inflexible contract I have ever tried to work with, and in fact could never get metal roof instead of shingle, never got a cost estimate before the sale,never could change to a smaller model to cover the hidden costs of the first one. Watch also for some sign of irritation on their part when you ask for a new cost estimate on some things before the sale-I asked for a price on a smaller home but with bigger log thickness and another item so as to make a geparison. The reply was very pained and seemed to imply that I was just making so much work and could it wait until tomorrow etc. Its' a tactic to make you think you are being unreasonable and she is just about to drop you and walk away.......she wants you to sign,sign,sign.....and we can just change it later-whatever you want. Next day-no new contract. Who knew it would be used against you later as "constant demands"!!!! GET THE CONTRACT EXACTLY CORRECT FIRST- the easy to change thing is BS. In fact it would have been easy to change. ALSO: Chances are that SOMETHING important or EXPENSIVE has been left off the must find is what is keeping the cost down and you happy right this minute, anyway. If we had seen what they charge for the metal roof and added in the cost of the missing 1st floor.....we would have left or changed to a less costly model. THE MORE THEY INSIST "ITS' A SNAP" AND IT WILL (key word WILL) BE EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT, the more reluctant you should be. Tell them they can rewrite the contract to get it like you want, right now, or as soon as they can get to it. If thats' a problem say thanks and leave, because they never will rewrite it unless you buy more or expensive materials. If you are told its' OK to change models: They are not going to like it if you go smaller and less expensive. Some real bad foot-dragging and inaction is what you will get.
Advise 3:There were far more problems than I have told you about, yes, I was an idiot, and in retrospect the whole "free garage" thing was a real draw, but here is another useful tidbit: bring in someone who can cover for you on the project. Your uncle, brother, builder or whoever. Keep them apprised of what is going on ,ask them to be objective. We unfortunatly lost 4 months while my wife was getting breast cancer surgery and treatments. Something like this can keep you so busy and distressed that you forget that you need to keep a hand in or the log home gepany will do NOTHING. By the time we got back to badgering them the contract was beyond the point where it could be saved- the anniversary date required another 10% down on the original model. As nothing was done by the log home gepany while we were so busy,I had nothing to work with and poor prospects for getting anything out of them (he was mad at me and I believe just driving it to end at anniversary). No work was done during the preceding four months, in fact other than sending me that first stock set of prints, I never got anything tangible from the gepany without geplaining, and then never got any work done on blueprints or a new contract- just phone calls and emails, most of them terse answers requiring further clarification. I knew that I was being waited out and there really was nothing could be done about it. No refund was allowed for and when I asked for one it really caused some anger towards me. Apparently only the gepany can manipulate the contract. No crime in asking the owner for a refund, I thought the worst could be is a "no". Wrong again.
At the end I tried to figure out what to do-with no success in getting a log home plan after 12 months, and with medical bills looming, I wanted to salvage something from the deal. A model change was allowed by the contract,so I wrote in requesting a change to the smallestcabin they had. I just wanted to get something and get out. I was told OK, but another 10% first, of the ORIGINAL contract amount,and the contract would not be rewritten to reflect the change of model or reduced amount of the total contract. So it appeared to me I would be sending in almost $10,000 again and with no reference to any contract and no invoice and nothing to indicate this contract was not what I wanted. The smaller cabin would have cost about $3000 to put in 10%.and continue. We would then have about 1/3 paid in and could have built the smaller one or sold it as a kit. But nothing was allowed except total victory by the owner..........So I gave up, and lost the money-at least I don't have to put up with those (pick your own descriptive word here).

ADVICE #4: Another thing to watch out for: if you are not satisfied with a gepany and want to move on-check and see who owns it. Some of these places have ownership of other gepanies and also have created new gepanies selling the same models with different names. You don't want to waste time and then find out its' really the same gepany with a different name, Check out who they are first!
Best of luck and hope you find something that works for you. We are going to wait awhile and if I ever do build with log I will just buy the logs from a wholesaler and pay on the spot.
But be careful, don't make my mistakes. Sorry this is so LONG!
Get ready for: "So, you wanna build a log home.........welgee, welgee.......gee take a look at these.....Special this month....sign here.....want to go bowling? can change anything later.....we are the BEST!" Be a long time before I could stomach that again.....