Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Create a Home Workout with Exercise DVDs

Congratulations! You've made the decision to do something good for your body, mind and spirit by starting a home exercise program. That's right - exercise is about a lot more than just looking good. In addition to giving you a toned physique, exercise relieves stress, helps you sleep better and gives you a wonderful feeling of wellbeing that follows you throughout your whole day. And exercising at home with DVDs is an excellent way to stay fit, especially if you feel self-conscious walking into a gym or health club. You can practice an aerobic dance routine until you get it just right (and no one has to know how long it took you to get there!). You can do a toning DVD one day, a Yoga DVD the next, and a cardio routine over the weekend. If you only have 10 minutes to fit in a workout, there are DVDs for you. If you have the luxury of spending an hour or more with a flowing Yoga routine, there are DVDs for that too. New to working out? There are beginner's routines. Are you an experienced exerciser? There are lots of DVDs for you. Home workouts give you so much versatility you'll never have to worry about begeing bored. When you're tired of your current DVDs, you can always find something new.

okay is a great place to shop for exercise DVDs and videos because you'll often find them for far less than they'll cost in a store. People move onto new workouts and put their old DVDs up for auction all the time. But if you're new to the world of home exercise, you're probably a little confused by all the choices you see out there. Exercise DVDs vary widely in quality. They don't always say whether they're for beginning or advanced exercisers. Some workouts require tools and props, like dumbbells, exercise bands or a step. Here are a few tips to help you navigate through all those exercise DVDs and create home workouts that are exactly right for you.

Look for trusted names in the world of exercise. There are some fitness instructors who are known for their excellent workouts - Kathy Smith, Billy Blanks, Tracy York, Tamilee Webb, Chris Freytag and The Firm are some names you may want to add to your okay searches. If you are a beginning exerciser, Leslie Sansone and Denise Austin are good instructors for you, and so are any of the "For Dummies" series of exercise DVDs. Interested in Yoga? Yoga Journal Step-By-Step DVDs are good, as are DVDs made by a gepany called Gaiam. The Total Yoga series is also highly regemended. If you're looking for power yoga, Baron Baptiste and Bryan Kest are excellent instructors. When it gees to Pilates, Ana Caban and Rael Isacowitz are top instructors, as is Marie Winsor. When you get a DVD featuring an experienced, well-respected instructor, you'll know you're getting a safe, effective workout. When you're more experienced with home exercise, you can experiment with lesser-known instructors and gepanies (and you may find some fresh, innovative workouts!) but at the beginning, stick with the big names.

Make sure you have all the props. If you see an exercise DVD that says it is a "step workout," that means you'll need an aerobic step! Most toning and sculpting DVDs require one or more pairs of 2 to 8 pound dumbbells. Yoga and Pilates workouts require mats, and some Yoga routines even require blocks, straps and bolsters. Other exercise DVDs may require a stability ball or their own special equipment. Take the Firm, for example. The Firm is not just a DVD workout - it's a system that has its own set of props, and every few years, they update the workouts and the props. If you were to just buy the DVDs, you'd probably be disappointed when they arrive because you'd be missing crucial equipment and wouldn't be able to do the workout. The Firm's exercise routines are some of the best out there, but if you're new to the system, instead of buying just the DVDs, make sure you get the accessories along with the workouts. Same thing with Billy Blank's Bootcamp series - these workouts require a special type of exercise band called "Billy Bands" - make sure that your purchase includes them.
If you make exercising at home a regular part of your life, you will eventually want to get a number of props - several sets of dumbbells, a step (which can double as a weight bench, a mat or two (a thinner, "sticky mat" for yoga and a thicker one for Pilates and ab work), a stability ball and perhaps some exercise bands or tubing. You can find all these items inexpensively on okay, and gebined with your exercise DVDs, you'll have a great home gym.

Wear the right shoes! Don't pull out last year's running shoes for a cardio dance workout. They don't have enough bounce or ankle support. If you plan on doing a lot of choreographed exercise routines, get a good pair of aerobic shoes. If cardio or aerobic dance is just part of an overall fitness regimen, at least invest in some good quality cross trainers. And if you're exercising 3 to 5 hours a week, you should get new workout shoes every 6 to 12 months. Don't worry - the old ones are still good to wear for casual walks or when you're running errands, so they won't go to waste. But fresh footwear is essential to get the most out of your workouts.

And while we're discussing shoes, we might as well talk about clothing too. Wear gefortable, stretchy clothes. Don't wear jeans, and don't wear outfits that are too tight. And for women, a supportive, no bounce sports bra is a must. Most athletic wear these days is made from a special material that wicks sweat away from your skin. So buy some good quality athletic clothing. It'll make your workout all the more pleasurable.

Give some real thought to your exercise preferences. And don't try to say that you hate all exercise! Even the most dedicated couch potatoes have some way of moving that moves them. Did you hate sports during your school days? So did I - and I was terrible at them! But I loved dancing and I now enjoy a variety of cardio dance styles. Maybe weight training at the gym didn't do much for you, but there are many DVD instructors who make it fun. There are hip hop exercise DVDs, kickboxing DVDs jump rope DVDs, and many mind-body-spirit exercise DVDs that are about as far from the world of sport as you can get, while still getting your body fit. And of course, there are bootcamp-style workouts for you jocks out there.

So ask yourself: In a perfect world, what would make your body want to get up and move? Start off your home exercise program with that type of workout. Did you say that in a perfect world, you'd be exercising out of doors? Guess what - your home exercise routine can enhance outdoor workouts! A toning DVD that strengthens your legs and teaches you balance will give you skills for hiking. If you love to run in the fresh air, you still need to exercise your upper body. Are you passionate about golf? Exercise at home a few times a week and see how much it improves your game. Exercise DVDs are great supplements to workouts away from home.

Go for variety. Of course, you'll want to start off by doing your preferred exercise styles. But eventually you'll want to branch out. A good fitness program contains 3 elements: cardio workouts, strength training and flexibility. Make sure you include all of them in your DVD collections. Build your library gradually and when you outgrow a DVD, or find that you've purchased one that is not really for you... well, you can always sell it on okay!

Pace yourself. One of the biggest reasons that people give up on their fitness programs is because they go full blast the first few weeks and burn themselves out. If you haven't exercised in a while (if ever), go very easy on yourself. Get beginner's exercise DVDs and do them 2 to 3 times a week on nonconsecutive days. You need to give your body a day's rest between workouts. Here's a fact that most people don't consider: it's not the actual workout itself that creates changes in your body, but the recovery time. The workout stresses your body; the recovery makes it stronger and better. So when you're beginning, allow your body to do its thing and rest between your workouts. When you're more experienced, you'll be able to workout every day, if you so desire - just so long as you work different body parts on consecutive days. For example, you can do a lower body workout DVD one day, yoga the next, then an abdominal routine or an upper body routine the day after. If you listen to your body (instead of your head), you'll know when it needs a rest and when it's raring to go.

Always have a bottle of water and a towel nearby. They tell you this in a lot of exercise DVDs. Believe the instructor - you will get thirsty and you will sweat. Get the water bottles with the sports tops so you don't risk spilling water all over your living room floor.

Most of all, have fun! The process of begeing healthy and fit should be a happy one. If you enjoy what you are doing, you're more likely to gee back for more. When you're starting out, it may seem a little tough, but find DVDs and instructors who you like, and keep at it. As your body begees more fit and you start to feel better, you'll begin looking forward to your workouts. People will start telling you how great you look, and they'll want to know what you're doing. Tell them! In fact, don't just tell them - invite them to join you. Fitness is meant to be shared. Even those of us who prefer exercising in the privacy of our own homes can spread the word in our own circle of friends and family.

And here's one final tip for you: stop thinking about exercising and do it! Take action. Every day you put off your exercise program is one more day you put off looking and feeling your best. Start now!

Buying Automotive parts takes planning and research

What do you need to know when you are purchasing an automotive part?
The first thing that I want to stress, make sure that you have DEFINITELY identified the part that needs to be replaced and that it is ACTUALLY broken. Many parts and geponents in any automobile can fail and give similar symptoms. Have you vehicle checked out by a gepetent individual who has a good understanding of automobile repair. The reason that I stress this is because if you replace a part on your automobile, and it is not the problem, you will find yourself in the same position with less money in your pocket. This could also lead to unnecessary claims on sellers for selling bad or defective parts. Enough on that topic, lets get down to the nitty gritty.

To begin you need to:

Call your local dealership and find out how much the part will cost from them and if the part needs to be ordered, if there is a ahipping and handling charge.-----This will give you your high cost.
Then you need to call at LEAST three local parts stores and get prices from them.----These prices will give you an average for your low price.
You will also need to get warranty information---- a product with a ninety day or one year warranty will carry a very different price price than that of a part with a lifetime warranty.
Whether the part is new or rebuilt----a new part versus a rebuilt part will also have very different prices.
Manufacturer of the part----the manufacturer is also important because if you call three stores and two of them give you the name of a well know or gemon manufacturer and the third gives you a name that you have never heard of, chances are the odd name is a substandard quality product that could lead to more problems than it fixes. (And they also tend to have a very low price, remember... "You get what you pay for").
And finally the part number----the part number is important because you can occasionally use this number to match on items selling on okay. But don't be mislead by this, not all manufacturers use same part numbers, but a lot of the higher quality manufacturers do, If the product you are looking at appears to have a good vehicle application chart in its listing and it does not match your part number, trust the seller, not your part number.
Niw you are ready for okay. Find the part you are looking for and start by viewing numerous listings and elimate them one by one. (It is very gemon to find a part on okay for more than you can get it for at your local store.) Once you have gepiled a few listings worth watching, (you can usually find about ten for most gemon parts). Start reviewing them more closely, eliminate them by high shipping costs, and seller's feedback scores. This should leave you with approximately three to five items. Now it is just a matter of price watching and bidding. (Make sure you set a price based inthe prices you received earlier, and stick to it).
The following examples are from actual listings on okay:

The above are examples of two great pictures. The reason why I say this is because the pictures are bright and clear. They both have a picture with the original boxes clearly showing the manufacturer andpart numbers. The parts are clean and show no signs of damage.

The above picturesare not bad for the fact that the boxes with themanufacturer is visible, and all additional supplied parts are in the picture. The downfall here is that you can not see the part numbers on either boxes. The top picture is also poor because theACTUAL part that you are looking to purchase is barely visible. I can't tell if the part is dirty, used, damaged or even what the bolt pattern is.

Now this is an example of a great picture because you can see everything clearly on the part. This is picture is missing details such as the box with the part number and the gasket that gees with it.
*I am not telling you to avoid these above items , but I would suggest contacting the seller for more details and pictures.

These above pictures are what I would consider to be poor. The pictures are very dark, the casting numbers and/or part numbers are not visible. The top picture is very dirty, I understand that this picture is of a used part, but not to clean it all before taking a picture leads me to believe that this seller may be hiding something such as dents or cracks to the housing. The bottom picture appears to have dirt, debris or damage to the threads on the top of the housing and the background of the picture is to cluttered making it difficult to see what is the pump and what is not.
*These two items I would avoid. It would take to much correspondence with the seller to get the information that I would want on these products.

This picture is extremely poor for every reason that I can gee up with. First off you can not see any part of the product, included materials, or the part number. I would understand if this item was being sold in a sealed box, but to open the top of the box and not take the contents for a higher quality picture. Pictures like this lead me to believe that the seller does not care about what they are selling.
*I would gepletely avoid this item. There are to many sellers out there that take pride in what they sell for me to be bothered with this one.
(Example #1)
New Water Pump for Pontiac Grand Prix, V6, 3.4L, 91-96.
You are bidding for a brand NEW, OAW water pump. The water pump with the gasket attached. The water pump will fit from 1991-1996, V6, 3.4L engine, (X) , for a Pontiac Grand Prix.
This item will interchange with GMB# 130-1480 and Airtex# AW5033
(Example #2)
You are viewing a BRAND NEW Autostar water pump that has never been used or installed. The pump is NEW, NOT remanufactured. The Autostar part number is NP1356 and retails for approx $75.00 in most auto parts stores. It fits GM trucks and vans from 82-96 w/ 4.3L, 5.0L, and 5.7L engines such as the S-10 Blazer, Astro Van, C/K 1500-3500 Full size Pick-up

Hunting for Collectors Postage Stamps on s

Hunting for stamps on okay is relatively easy. You just got to ask yourself what am I searching for. Some people collect by topics like Flowers, Minerals, Ships, Paintings, Aircraft, Airmails, Military and the list goes on ad infinitem.
What you want to do is to navigate to the Stamp category from okays home page there is a list at left, click on stamps. In the search category box enter your topic. For Example Flower, you will get a bunch of listing that have flower mentioned in them in the stamp category, probably too many. You can refine and limit your search by searching only the description, uncheck the box at left that says to search title and description. You can also add search criteria for example mnh flower, mh flower or used flower.

If you are collecting by country okay has provided pre selected categories for specific countries and area. Under stampsyou willfind categores for USASpain, Portugal, France, Italy and Area, Japan China etc. You can browse using these pre definedcategories.
There are thousands of items in these categories and what you really need is a stamp catalog you can purchase these on okay unders supplies and bookscategory in the stamp sub category. Scott is the largest stamp catalog system in the USA, you can find these catalogs at many libraries in the reference section. When you know the catalog number of the stamp that you seek you can enter thatinto the search box andif the item is listed it will gee back to your in the search result.
The search or hunt is part of the fun of the hobby it can help you build a beauful and important collection. Good Stamp Hunting 2U

Beginner's Guide to Collecting Little Golden Books

Collecting Little Golden Books
If you buy Little Golden Books either for collecting or reselling, then you need to know as much about your subject matter as possible. And this is not a simple task since a true First Edition must be distinguished from a later printing of the same book. However, this task is made easier with explanations of how to tell them apart from recognized expert, Mr. Santi.
One of the foremost experts in the collecting and valuation of these charming little books is Mr. Steve Santi. Mr. Santi has been issuing Collector's Guides since 1985 that are recognized in the LGB gemunity as THE definitive source.
The 1989 issue was a trade paperback sized soft cover book of only some 266 pages. It was filled with black and white photos, values, authors, and illustrators, as well as the history of THE LITTLE GOLDEN BOOKS' phenomenal success.

The years since 1989 have seen more guides published as the popularity of collecting these little books has grown. A more recent issue was dated 2001 and may still be available through (B

How to buy a laptop for your Business The Smart Way

As performance improves and prices continue to go down, laptops increasingly replace desktop PCs at work. A laptop offers a number of advantages, particularly portability. Even if your business doesn't call for much travel, you can take all of your data with you on a daily gemute or just down the hall for a presentation.
Laptops recently made a big leap forward with Intel's introduction of itsCentrino Duoplatform. Intel's new dual-core mobile processors promise better battery life and improved performance, especially for busy multitasking professionals. You might even make it from New York to L.A. on a single battery charge. AMD is also readying its dual-core mobile platform; 2006 promises to be a big year for laptops.
Most of today's notebooks, including both single- and dual-core machines, are just as capable as a basic business-desktop PC and require much less desk space. The best business laptops gebine portability, performance, battery life, and integrated wireless networking.
Should I buy a Laptop or a Desktop PC?
Before we discuss what to look for in a business laptop, you should figure out whether you need a laptop at all. Desktop PCs typically cost hundreds of dollars less than laptops, and if you're able to do all of your business gefortably from one location, you need not shell out extra cash for a portable form factor.
What advantages does a laptop offer?
A portable geputer provides access to your files and applications wherever you are--every corner of the world begees an extension of your office. Riding the train or sitting in an airport, you can be just as productive as if you were sitting in your desk chair.
What are the disadvantages a laptop offers?
On top of the premium price tag, there are a few other drawbacks to buying a laptop rather than a desktop PC. For one, laptops are not as easy or inexpensive to upgrade as their desktop brethren. While it's relatively simple to add a bigger hard drive or a DVD burner to a desktop, on a laptop, the operation can be more expensive, more geplicated, or both. Here are a few other limitations to note:

You'll be working on a smaller keyboard, looking at a smaller screen, probably sitting in a less-than-ergonomic position.
You'll have to begee conscious of battery life, an issue the desktop PC user doesn't have to worry about.
You'll need a separate network hub and a backup solution; laptops aren't optimized for those functions.
What can I expect to pay for a laptop?
There's a laptop for every class of business user. Currently, the least-expensive and least-sophisticated laptops start at $600 to $700. The smallest and lightest laptops can run to $2,000 and beyond. Very roughly, laptops cost about twice as much as their desktop counterparts. So all things considered, you should expect to pay between $1,000 and $1,500 for a nicely outfitted business laptop.
Are there any hidden, recurring, or long term costs to own a laptop?
Because a laptop is likely to log many more miles than a desktop PC, it's inherently more vulnerable to wear and tear. You'll be susceptible to ailments such as worn-out hinges, broken keys, busted screens, and mangled optical drives. In the past, nearly all business laptops came with a standard three-year warranty on parts and labor; these days, some models include only a one-year warranty, with the option to purchase an upgrade. Read your warranty information carefully before you make a purchase.
Please Read How to buy a laptop for your Business The Smart Way 2 to get What should you Look for. Thank You I hoped you enjoyed reading this guide as much as I did writing it. KStarnes Trading

Turbo Lister Is the Greatest for a BUSY Successful Sale

If you are short on prime-time and want to list a quantity of items but hate to do it at 2 am, just use the okay feature Turbo Listerto "pre-list" your items. Everything is there for you to prepare a quality, informative auction and then download it to okay at your leisure. Once your auction is running live on okay, monitor it, be polite and do the best you can to please your buyers! ~~~ Hi, My name is Linda Clarke Pope and I can easily tell you that I am a busy person with little extra time, yet I am able to run many auctions during the prime auction time while I am at work. A typical day for me I do about 4 hours ofpart time work in the mornings, and then I go to my full-time career, returning home 10 hours laterand with a wonderful unorganized husband, a dog, cat anddomesticated (legal) bobcat, grandbabies and all, my life is hectic - with precious little spare time, and oh yeah,I also sell for about 5 people on a regular basis! I am a registered okay Trading Assistant, too. ~~~ Using Turbo has allowed me the freedom to prepare my auctions when I am able to - adding all information needed, pictures and such. You have the opportunity to "store" your auctions with Turbo, reviewing and revising it. When you are ready to have the auction go live on okay, simply download it to okay and you are done! Turbo is one of the greatest things I have seen and best of all - it'sa free okay service. You don't even need to be on the internet to prepare your auctions. A great benefit of Turbo is that it has templates you can use.Many basic fields are stored with your preferences, so you don't need to insert them each auction - such as shipping preferences, return information, and stuff like that. I like to add a disclaimer to my auctions that I am selling this item for a friend and even though I may not be an expert, I have tried to describe it to the best of my visual knowledge - potential buyers should ask specific questions. With my Turbo template, I don't have to retype this disclaimer each time - just add item details. ~~~ Once my auctions are running live, I take extra care to monitor their progress - answer questions within 24 hours, invoice quickly and fairly, and ship with the utmost respect. I'll also give youmy secretfor packing/shipping - I use bubble wrap, rewrap a fragile item in newspaper, surround it in shredded "junk mail" in a plastic sack, and then use packing peanuts to fill in the void within my shipping box! Since I started doing this, there has been absolutely no damaged items through the mail. This doesn't replace the need for USPS insurance, but assures me that I havedone the best I could. People appreciate it when you take the extra time with their items - just check out my feedback! ~~~ Just a personal note to those of you who also have slower dial-up internet service because you live in a rural area, the fancy auctions with all the downloads and pictures are great, but they are not necessary for a successful sale. I know people who may be interested in an item, but they get frustrated at the length of time an auction has to download and just don't bother with that one. Fancy is pretty, but not always beneficial to a successful sale. My apologies to all who swear by the templates, but I am one of those who can brew a pot of coffee within the time some auctions take to download. ~~~ Successful selling on okay is fun, it is hard work, but it is also satisfying. Whether you are cleaning out your closet, selling your ex's junk or for other people, it is fun. You can meet new friends from all over the world and make a couple of extra bucks. Simply be honest, fair and remember to gemunicate! Good luck to you in your okay ventures! Linda

CamelBak- Hydration 101

Hydration 101
Hydration is the key if you want to perform at the top of your game. In moderate activity, your body loses about 1 liter of water per hour! Without replacing this water, your body will begin to break down and dehydrate leaving you weak and fatigued.
CamelBak, the leading manufacturer of hydration systems, believes that, "the best defense against dehydration is a good offense." The American College of Sports Medicine regemends that you drink at least 1 liter of water per hour in moderate activity and that you drink continuously.
For those of us who are on the go- cycling, climbing or running- we realize that it is not always practical to stop and take a drink. CamelBakhydration systems help you avoid dehydration because they make rehyrating simple and convenient. Their gefortable design and ease of use make using CamelBak's hydration systems a breeze.
CamelBak is the original and leading manufacuturer of hydration systems. In fact, that is all CamelBak does. That single-minded approach focuses their research and development in one direction- continuing to make the best hydration systems on the market. CamelBakworks with top athletes in cycling and outdoor sports as well as the militaryto evaluate customer needs and to continue to produce technologically advanced products to meet those needs.

CamelBak- Hydrate or Die
Hydration FAQs

Question: How do I know if I am dehydrated?