Monday, July 27, 2009

Sorry guys, you all are going to be stuck with me bawling all night

Before this night is over I will flip out. I keep a pretty high stress level on this end. I have always been a pretty high wired person. Most times I handle it real well. Tonight, forget it, I am going to go nuts and hope I don't come back anytime soon. Where is Fried when I need him?? My main stress factor as you can imagine is kids. I have one right now at this very minute stuck on the highway. He is between Manshac, La. and Hammond, La, on the highrise. Dark as all all on that strip of road. This is the kid that has a deathly fear of bridges and height, so keep that in mind when you read this. He hit a huge pothole and it blew his tire out. This is my son that is extremely smart, but it is book smart only. Trust me on this statement. So what does he do, calls me. Life WTF, what can I do from here. I am in the middle of packing, just got Gabby to sleep, husband is about to go ballsitic with all this carp and I feel like I am going to puke. So he goes to change the tire and you got it, the SOB takes the tire off and is putting that stupid donut on and the car falls off the jack. Keep in mind, I am five feet, 110 pounds and can change a tire, change the oil, etc. Calls me frantic. Now what can I do from here. I told him to call 911, tell them what is happening and that is too dark from him to see. All of this is happening and it dawns on me. What are you doing there, you never drive out there. Now my stomach hurts more as I guessed the answer. He is heading back home. This kid thinks we have a revolving door. Move out, move home, move out, move home. I no sooner get the room redone to how I like it and here comes a kid. Sorry Dr. Laura but I don't feel like being a mom anymore. Or at least for the next week or two. I need a break. So now that you all got stuck listening to me babble on. Poll time: For real, how many of you really think we are leaving at three in the morning to drive to DC??? To calm me down right now would take more footballs than my weight would take. I would OD for sure. So I took none. When I am nervous I cook or clean. Trust me on this when I say there is nothing left to clean. I have scoured this house the last week with my nerves. Cook, forget that, too hot and too late Anyway, who is going to eat it??? I must have been a real bad child as I am having bad Karma right now. I must have done something wrong as a kid. Either that or I just raised dumb kids. Either way I am sure paying the price, and in my 50's at that. Me

Orignal From: Sorry guys, you all are going to be stuck with me bawling all night

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