Monday, July 27, 2009

No kidding. Majority in Arizona Maricopa Cty Jails Hispanic

males... Hispanic males are now majority in county jails Jul 7, 2009 ... Hispanic males are now majority in county jails, Hike due to overall population trends coupled with a series of recent laws targeting ... - Of course the Arizona Republic depends on Chamber of Commerce for advertising revenues... interesting slant about "targeting" when you see vans with 25 people speeding down Route 10 North from Border. This is reason I remain Independent as far a voter registration as I can't vote for liberal illegal immigrants rulings/laws. ...from quoted (link) article: "In 2006, County Attorney Andrew Thomas issued an opinion allowing prosecutors to charge illegal immigrants as co-conspirators in their own smuggling. Voters also approved Proposition 100, which denies bail to illegal immigrants. In 2007, the Sheriff's Office, Phoenix police and the state Department of Public Safety entered into agreements allowing officers and deputies to receive Immigration and Customs Enforcement training. Voters approved the Legal Arizona Workers Act, the state's employer-sanctions law. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has used ICE-trained deputies to conduct crime sweeps in neighborhoods with high Hispanic populations and work-site raids, which frequently result in arrests for warrants and other crimes that have nothing to do with immigration. Arpaio pointed to his policy decisions and the new laws as a reason for the jail-population shift, particularly the denial of bail to illegal immigrants. "They're staying there. They're not getting the revolving door. When we arrest them, they can't get right out on bond," Arpaio said..." -Arizona Republic And I have real difficulty with amnesty although both McCain and Obama support some type of amnesty. If you live along the Border, our experience is far different than 1000 miles North. It feels like we're being taken-over (invaded). It's no wonder teens can't get Summer jobs - many are taken by below minimum wage illegals (landscaping) in particular

Orignal From: No kidding. Majority in Arizona Maricopa Cty Jails Hispanic

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