Wednesday, August 12, 2009

ObamaNation: Why the Health Care Comparisons are Phony

The drafts don't represent the final bill. Barry made a campaign promise to give the public 5 days to review legislation before it was voted on. Cap and tax was voted on half a day after the final bill was posted. Barry made no effort to live up to his promise. Let's put it politely: Mr. President, you lied. Pelosi was asked on Thursday if she would commit to giving the public a week after the bill was in it's final form. She talked about following her rules, which is another way of saying "no". She ignored the question about giving the CBO time to produce a cost estimate. Dirty Harry Reid gave pretty much the same weasel-worded excuses. Cap-and-tax magically gained 300 pages overnight. Those pages weren't written that night. They were sitting in some drawer waiting to come out at the right moment. That "600 page" draft we're looking at now will be over 1,000 pages in final form. Most of the rest is sitting in that desk drawer right now, hidden out of sight. Google is not a substitute for education or intelligence. — cornercube, 2009

Orignal From: ObamaNation: Why the Health Care Comparisons are Phony

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