Wednesday, August 12, 2009

ObamaNation: Down at the Old Town Hall

"If they're going to put a boot on people's necks, the people have the right to confront their oppressors." Link They're voting on 1,000 page bills they haven't read, and not one of them even knows who wrote the bills. With key members of the administration admitting this week that taxes will have to go up on the middle class to pay for the trillions of dollars in spending--proving once again that Barry lied when he promised that no one making less than $250,000 a year would see a tax increase--the Dimocrats are getting a little pushback on their grandiose plans for a New Socialism. Google is not a substitute for education or intelligence. — cornercube, 2009

Orignal From: ObamaNation: Down at the Old Town Hall

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