Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Checking in from North Carolina

Hi everyone, In June I sold my condo and moved from Illinois to North Carolina. This was a huge leap for this life-long Midwesterner, but my son and his family had settled here, and I wanted to be closer to them. So far it's a good change, I only wish I had moved here sooner! I know I had mentioned this once last year. It took me over a year to sell my condo. In the end I settled for a low offer with two weeks to clear out before the closing. I had spent almost a year downsizing and liquidated most of my book inventory, or sent it to AFN, but I still moved about 12 boxes. On moving day I discovered a box of books in a closet after the movers had left. I ended up dumping a bunch of my personal books in the trash. It was very traumatic for this book junkie. That was because my saturn was already seriously overloaded, but the trip went smoothly and safely, and I'm now getting settled here with some space on my shelves for new books. My apartment is about a five minute walk from my family. What I will be doing here starting this week is being a nanny for my two-year old grandson while his mom is teaching. I have also resumed bookscouting and selling and plan to eventually restart my reading instruction business and a few other projects.

Orignal From: Checking in from North Carolina

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