Sunday, August 23, 2009

What I learned today.

I learned that my Julia Child tapes are worth more now than they were last month.

Orignal From: What I learned today.

Funny how some boots stick in your mind

e.g. the once-ubiquitous poster of Jane Fonda as Barbarella.

Orignal From: Funny how some boots stick in your mind

ObamaNation: Withholding the Numbers on Social Security?

Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL), the ranking memeber on the House Committee on Financial Services, did an interview with The Tuscaloosa News editorial board, and unleashed a shocker

Orignal From: ObamaNation: Withholding the Numbers on Social Security?

Funny how some books stick in your mind

I read this book about 50 years ago, only one time. Over the years, I have thought of it often. Today, I happened to be thinking about it when in front of my computer, so I searched for it. I remembered the title, but not the author, but I found it easily ... and available on Kindle! I'm looking forward to re-reading it. It was the analogy that stuck in my mind (second sentence below). After 50 years, I don't know if I can recommend it to anyone, but it seems somehow relevant to today. I may discuss it further after reading it. The war had been going on for nearly a year and the Sirian Empire had a huge advantage in personnel and equipment.- Earth needed an edge.- Which was where James Mowry came in. If a small insect buzzing around in a car could so distract the driver as to cause that vehicle to crash, think what havoc one properly trained operative could wreak on an unuspecting enemy. Intensively trained, his appearance surgically altered, James Mowry is landed on Jaimec, the ninety-fourth planet of the Sirian Empire.- His mission is simple: sap morale, cause mayhem, tie up resources, wage a one-man war on a planet of eighty million.- In short, be a wasp. First published in 1957, WASP is generally regarded as Eric Frank Russell's best novel, a witty and exciting account of a covert war in the heart of enemy territory. About the Author Eric Frank Russell (1905-1978) was the first British writer to contribute regularly to Astounding and his first story, 'The Saga of Pelican West' appeared in that magazine in 1937. His novels include Sentinels from Space, Sinister Barrier and Three to Conquer and his short fiction has appeared in a number of collections. -- Fight organized crime Don't re-elect anyone

Orignal From: Funny how some books stick in your mind

Funny how some boops stick in your mind


Orignal From: Funny how some boops stick in your mind

Why get cable if you can't afford Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?

film of the proletariat at 11-- Google is not a substitute for education or intelligence.

Orignal From: Why get cable if you can't afford Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous?


I am aware, so don't think you're alone. Time (using the word litereally) is a valuable ally. Memory makes it more fun!--

Orignal From: Keithwease

Why get a mammogram if you can't afford the cancer?

One woman just stated the above in an interview on MSNBC just now. She also said that her son had a sore throat and wanted to go to the doctor. She told him that they would have to wait, because you have to have a very good reason to see a doctor, maybe they would go if he gets a fever.

Orignal From: Why get a mammogram if you can't afford the cancer?

The D O G Log

Peter Steiner published by The New Yorker on 5 July 1993.

Orignal From: The D O G Log

Matt McGinn- The Big Effen Bee

I've been a Matt McGinn fan for years: Link Just figured to pass it on. Enjoy!

Orignal From: Matt McGinn- The Big Effen Bee

All this scrolling is giving me BOARD RAGE!!!

Please someone tell me - Do I need to reset something or what?! Every flippin thread starts at post #1! But if I change my setting to last first, then I miss whatever (if any) posts that occurred since I was last there! FCOL!--"Light is here and it has always been the answer" Many paths, one mountaintop Bee Looking Horse Woman

Orignal From: All this scrolling is giving me BOARD RAGE!!!

The Pointing Finger of Blame ... The Fickle Finger of Fate

When the political winds shift -- when a party is voted out of power or a policy is panned by the public -- Washington turns to its favorite pastime: the blame game. And so it is with President Barack Obama, who tripped on his sprint to the health-care-reform finish line. Voters, it seems, want to understand a little more about what ObamaCare will mean for them, what it will do to the doctor-patient relationship, and what it will cost future generations in higher taxes and, yes, rationed supply. Rather than examine the public

Orignal From: The Pointing Finger of Blame ... The Fickle Finger of Fate


I dare you to watch this and not make "Lookie!! Baby animal!!" noises. Cheetah Cub Charms in Cincinnati The Cincinnati Zoo recently relocated their newest cheetah cub to the nursery after it's mother started ignoring it. Watch as the playful little girl unleashes a furious attack on her blanket in this video. Link You may now return to your regular bickering

Orignal From: ZOMG!!! CUTENESS!!!

The solution to the healthcare problem

pResident Obama is going about it all wrong, taking half-steps here and half-steps there, when the solution is staring him in the face. We already have a public healthcare system called Medicare A, B and D with options for either Medicare Supplemental insurance or Medicare Advantage. (Medicare Advantage allows one to sign up with a private insurance company which takes over all Medicare coverage and the government pays the company for Medicare A, while the insured continues to pay for Medicare B himself.) Both Medicare Supplemental and Medicare Advantage require the insurance company to qualify as a Medicare provider and meet certain standards. Simply put every U.S. citizen or legal resident into the Medicare program (mandatory, not voluntary) and private insurance will only be allowed for Medicare Supplemental or Advantage policies. Abolish Medicaid completely (taking a huge burden from the state and Federal government). Raise the current medicare payroll deduction from 1.45% of all earned income to 3.5% of earned income above $25,000, and means test Medicare A (Medicare B is already means tested). Start phasing in Medicare A premiums at the $40,000 income level (including Social Security income) and charge the full premium for incomes above $60,000. (The premium is already established by the amount the government pays Medicare Advantage insurers.) Provide a phased-out tax credit similar to the Earned Income Credit for out-of pocket medical expenses (deductibles, Supplemental, Advantage, non-insured expenses) that starts phasing out at $30,000 income and disappears at $60,000. Finally, put a cap on malpractice punitive (not actual) damages (like we did here in Texas, with great results). This accomplishes several things: 1. Everybody is covered. 2. The low-income insured will pay nothing or very little, subsidized by the higher-income insured. 3. Both the government and the private companies offering Supplemental and Advantage coverage will receive a tremendous financial benefit by covering everybody, instead of only the less healthy (seniors) and sick-but-too-poor-to-pay (Medicaid). 4. Medicare already has no pre-existing condition restrictions, so that problem goes away, as does the "portability" problem when losing or changing jobs. 5. Employers will see a huge drop in their group health plan expenses for employees because thay only have to offer Supplemental or Advantage coverage. 6. This plan should pay for itself from premiums and payroll taxes paid by the higher-income insured, plus a rather large savings in the premium costs themselves because of #3 above. 7. Because Supplemental and Advantage coverage will continue to be via private insurance, we won't destroy an entire industry and we won't have a single-payer system, other than the one we already have under Medicare. -- Fight organized crime Don't re-elect anyone

Orignal From: The solution to the healthcare problem

Do you blog?

A chatty a group as this board is, I wouldn't be surprised if half the regular posters have a blog. Do you use a persona or your real name? Do you read blogs?--_________________________ Sumtymes I donut cry i jest weaps

Orignal From: Do you blog?

I spoke to Christ today, Oh Boy...

......He told me we don't make the grade..... ..........well I just had to laugh.............

Orignal From: I spoke to Christ today, Oh Boy...

...and it is. Link

Orignal From:

A Library

The cartoonist Herg

Orignal From: A Library

Quasi-Madoffs on Madoff

This is a hoot.

Orignal From: Quasi-Madoffs on Madoff

OT: The Recession is Officially Over..

_ Dallas Cowboy fans are paying $75 to park.. For a Pre-Season game.. _

Orignal From: OT: The Recession is Officially Over..


Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization? Answer: Princess Diana's death. Question: How come? Answer : An English princess with an Egyptian boyfriend crashes in a French tunnel, driving a German car with a Dutch engine, driven by a Belgian who was drunk on Scottish whisky, (check the bottle before you change the spelling), followed closely by Italian Paparazzi, on Japanese motorcycles; treated by an American doctor, using Brazilian medicines. This is sent to you by an American, using American Bill Gates's technology, and you're probably reading this on your computer, that uses Taiwanese chips, and a Korean monitor, assembled by Bangladeshi workers in a Singapore plant, transported by Indian truck drivers, hijacked by Indonesians, unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen, and trucked to you by Mexican illegals.... . . . . . . That, my friends, is Globalization !!-- Fight organized crime Don't re-elect anyone

Orignal From: Globalization

Texas Curriculum Review Sparks Debate About Religion

The debate about whether to teach religious-based social studies in Texas public schools has dominated a broader discussion about the schools' curriculum, which is undergoing a review by state officials hoping to improve the nation's second-largest school system. Link

Orignal From: Texas Curriculum Review Sparks Debate About Religion

Anyone seen a Bible like this before?

Just purchased at auction, a 1583 Geneva Bible in English - with large silver furniture to boards. Not getting my hopes up that it is Jamestown, VA, but who knows......

Orignal From: Anyone seen a Bible like this before?

OT: Car Dealers Say Clunkers A Failure

I know liberals will be shocked since they think the gov't can do no wrong....... Car Dealers Survey: Cash for Clunkers a Failure The National Automobile Dealers Association is urging the federal government to begin shutting down the Cash for Clunkers program immediately. In a statement released Wednesday evening, NADA said that, given the rapid pace at which deals are being done, it will be difficult to say when the program

Orignal From: OT: Car Dealers Say Clunkers A Failure

Asellertool Downloading problem

For anyone still using PDA has stopped running downloads and tech support could not offer a fix. The ActiveSync program says unconnected, and the PDA itself is stuck on "connecting". The tech rep suggested buying a new cradle. Has anyone else been in this situation and did that solve the problem?

Orignal From: Asellertool Downloading problem

How to make a living selling books on eBay....

1.) Work your a__ off. `

Orignal From: How to make a living selling books on eBay....

Health reform done the Conservative way?

Not even the old Mob that founded Las Vegas gambling would have deigned to be so greedy as the insurance companies now stacking the deck against a health-care overhaul. As recently as the early 1990s, 95 cents out of every dollar paid to insurance companies in premiums was used to pay claims, according to Potter, who spent more than 20 years of his professional career as an industry insider. In 2008, that percentage had dropped to

Orignal From: Health reform done the Conservative way?

Ask any question about any book Part II


Orignal From: Ask any question about any book Part II

Request assistance with book printings (Stephen King related)

I happened to come across a new, 1st edition copy of The Wastelands still sealed in what appears to be it's orignal shrink-wrap. I know obviously it's a 1st edition as per the dust jacket and IBSN number, however since it is still sealed I don't know if it is a 1st printing or not. I therefore have a few questions as it is my intention to list this book for sale: 1. How many printings were there of the 1st edition? 2. Would removing the shrink-wrap have a tremendous impact on the value of the book (I am guessing it would)? 3. Is it even worth checking? Thank you, David

Orignal From: Request assistance with book printings (Stephen King related)

Medieval Gastronomy

Food, cooking and meals in the Middle Ages. Link

Orignal From: Medieval Gastronomy

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dogs Can Think ... Hope For Certain Vacuous Bimbos

Man's best friend may be smarter than we think By Jordana Huber Canine researcher Stanley Coren says dogs have the ability to sniff out and solve complex problems and are more like humans and other higher primates than previously thought. In fact Coren, a University of British Columbia psychologist, said the average dog has a ``basic'' ability to do arithmetic. But that's not new to veteran Ontario dog breeder John Mitchell. ``There's an old saying: If you don't think a dog can count just put two cookies in your pocket then give him one and see what happens,'' said Mitchell. But Coren, who gave a talk - How dogs think- Saturday at the American Psychological Association's convention in Toronto, said: ``You're not going to turn them into an accountant, but they know that one plus one equals two.'' Coren noted there seems to be two extremes in the way people think about dogs. ``There are a whole lot of people who think of dogs as being just people in fur coats and others who think they are biological robots with no consciousness at all,'' he said. Based on a review of numerous studies and several behavioral measures, Coren said a dog's mental abilities are close to that of a human child age two to 2.5 years. Coren said there are different types of dog intelligence: instinctive, what a dog is bred to do; adaptive intelligence, what a dog has learned for itself and obedience, what dogs can learn to do. When it comes to communication, Coren said dogs understand 165 words, signs and signals and ``super dogs'' - or those in the top 20 per cent of intelligence - can learn 250 words. Coren said dogs have been ``designed'' to pick up bits and pieces of information to a much better extent than previously thought and more so than people tend to recognize. ``Dogs are the masters of body language and picking up gestures and slight signals,'' Coren said. ``If you come home and you've just broken up with your lover and the dog immediately starts acting very solicitously and you haven't said anything to the dog, what the dog is doing is reading your body language.'' Mitchell said it all boils down to effective communication. ``The fundamentals of basic communication is listening,'' said Mitchell, who lives in Campbellville, Ont. - just west of Toronto - and raises Labrador retrievers and Nova Scotia duck tollings. ``Dogs can do that without a word being said and that creates a strong bond.'' Coren even said dogs during play are capable of deliberately trying to deceive other people and dogs. ``They'll stand in front of you and wait until you reach for the ball and then dash away with it,'' Coren explained. ``If you don't fall for that, they might drop it out of their mouth and wait for you to reach for it before grabbing it and dashing away.'' Using data from dog obedience judges from the United States and Canada Coren said the most intelligent dogs are border collies followed by poodles, German shepherds, golden retrievers, Dobermans, Shetland sheepdogs, and Labrador retrievers. Among the lowest on the intelligence list are Afghan hounds, bulldogs, chow chows, beagles and Basset Hounds, he said. Link

Orignal From: Dogs Can Think ... Hope For Certain Vacuous Bimbos

First steal a brain...

Orignal From: First steal a brain...

Ok... Autograph in Mein Kampf.. help please TIA

again: 2ed. 1936 Munich of Mein Kampf. It has a notation of some kind written on old

Orignal From: Ok... Autograph in Mein Kampf.. help please TIA

Apropos of Nothing--Heaven's Here on Earth

Heaven's Here On Earth - Tracy Chapman Link There is something about Tracy Chapman's vocal

Orignal From: Apropos of Nothing--Heaven's Here on Earth

Changing subjects - EMP

I heard an interview with William R. Forstchen (author of One Second After) about the effects of an EMP on our microchip world. Apparently, we could be about one second away from a complete collapse of today's infrastructure (and society), without the skills that got us through the Great Depression. Can anyone say "Faraday Cage?" "Need" now means wanting someone else's money. "Greed" means wanting to keep your own. "Compassion" is when a politician arranges the transfer. – Joseph Sobran, columnist.

Orignal From: Changing subjects - EMP

The First Bookplate -

(This article was from late April, but I found no post here) Interesting ! The Robert D. Farber University Archives

Orignal From: The First Bookplate -

Checking in from North Carolina

Hi everyone, In June I sold my condo and moved from Illinois to North Carolina. This was a huge leap for this life-long Midwesterner, but my son and his family had settled here, and I wanted to be closer to them. So far it's a good change, I only wish I had moved here sooner! I know I had mentioned this once last year. It took me over a year to sell my condo. In the end I settled for a low offer with two weeks to clear out before the closing. I had spent almost a year downsizing and liquidated most of my book inventory, or sent it to AFN, but I still moved about 12 boxes. On moving day I discovered a box of books in a closet after the movers had left. I ended up dumping a bunch of my personal books in the trash. It was very traumatic for this book junkie. That was because my saturn was already seriously overloaded, but the trip went smoothly and safely, and I'm now getting settled here with some space on my shelves for new books. My apartment is about a five minute walk from my family. What I will be doing here starting this week is being a nanny for my two-year old grandson while his mom is teaching. I have also resumed bookscouting and selling and plan to eventually restart my reading instruction business and a few other projects.

Orignal From: Checking in from North Carolina

Health Reform Insurance Company Style

Link The more things change...

Orignal From: Health Reform Insurance Company Style

Pet advice requested

About two months ago we acquired a 4-week-old kitten who'd been born under a friend's deck and apparently abandoned by its mother. Flash forward to now - and he's evolved into something of a devil cat, probably due to his feral ancestry. He, Felix, literally hurls his 3-pound body at things, claws and fangs flashing. It's sort of cute in its own way because of the fearless, innocent abandon of it all, and, anyway, there are plenty of down times when he's a spent force, purring with the best of them. Trouble starts, however, when he hurls himself at our 25-pound schnauzer Otis, sometimes clutching him by the neck and holding on. Previously, Otis had dominated a now deceased Siamese cat, and his first encounters with Felix were met with a sort of cocky don't-bug-me-I-could-crush-you-in-my-jaws-in-a-moment attitude. But now he's slinking when the cat arrives, and he's being chased and all - in a word, dominated, his self-respect in ruins. I guess the cat will chill in time, but meanwhile, is there a proven technique for helping the dog man up?

Orignal From: Pet advice requested

Five books that changed your life.

1) Fifth Business 2) Stranger in a Strange Land 3) VALIS 4) The Science of Being and the Art of Living 5) The Gospel According to Mark (if this thread garners any interest, I'll post a commentary on how these five books changed my life...)

Orignal From: Five books that changed your life.

The 10 most annoying movie characters ever!

Not my list but what do you think? 10. George Tooney in "Mean Creek" (Josh Peck) One of the most annoying kids ever – and that's a compliment. Josh Peck gives a brilliant performance as the fat, spoiled, big-mouthed school-bully who pummels little Rory Culkin and has a genius for finding ways to be obnoxious to everyone else. Until they learn he can't swim... Harsh. MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: "And speaking of dead... fathers..." Georgie-boy goes waaay too far. 9. Basher Tarr in "Ocean's Eleven" (Don Cheadle) Here's what Americans don't understand about English people. We don't really use rhyming slang. And we don't sound like we were born in Kansas. No one explained this to mock-er-ney geez-ah Basher Tarr, who talks to "Denny Oshan" in the worst Brit accent of all time. MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: "We're in barney," he tells a baffled-looking Ocean's eleven. "Barney Rubble... Trabbuw!" No. Just no. 8. Carrie in "Four Weddings And A Funeral" (Andie McDowall) "Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed." Seven little words that rightly condemn the quite-bleedin'-obviously-drenched Carrie to lifelong status in The Annoying Hall Of Fame. The fact that she managed to be more irritating than floppy-haired fop Charles (Hugh Grant) impresses us even more. MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: It's raining. You're wet. You noticed. 7. Gloria Clemente in "White Men Can't Jump" (Rosie Perez) The excellent "White Men Can't Jump" becomes unbearable every time one giant gob opens. That gob belongs to Woody Harrelson's bossy, loudmouthed Puerto Rican girlfriend, who has a voice that sounds like a pig being slaughtered. She's also a Jeopardy! addict who knows all seven of the foods that start with the letter Q. But not the word "quiet". MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: "How much money did you make today?" Oh, the endless nagging... 6. Marvin in "The Animal" (Rob Schneider) Oh dear. Having been rebuilt with animal parts by a mad scientist (look, stay with us), feral supercop Marvin spends an entire film lifting his leg to lick himself like a dog (stay...) or being out-acted by Adam Sandler (ok you can go now. Run!). MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: Dry-humping a mailbox. While neighing like a horse. Yes, really. 5. Ruby Rod in "The Fifth Element" (Chris Tucker) This screechingly fruity futuristic DJ makes Dame Edna look macho. He flaps his hands. He wears eye-melting clothes. He runs around. He lets out high-pitched squeals while chattering incessantly until you want to stick a screwdriver in your ears. And his. Bruce Willis tries to save him from death. No one knows why. MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: An extended girly-scream that seems to go on for 30 seconds. 4. Mr Bean in "Bean" (Rowan Atkinson) If ever a face begged to be slapped... Mr Bean is often compared to silent comedians like Chaplin and Jacques Tati. This is like comparing an onion to an apple. One taste of the bulgy-eyed imbecile's gurning 'antics' should make you wince yourself inside-out. MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: Failing to make a simple cup of instant coffee. And expecting us to laugh. 3. Jar Jar Binks in "The Phantom Menace" (Ahmed Best) Meesa gonna ruin an entire franchise! Making it shamefully obvious that George Lucas is more interested in selling toys than making good films, this CGI monster spends the Star Wars prequels spouting staggeringly offensive jive-dialogue. Annoying? He's the dictionary definition. MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: "Meesa so happy to shine yo' shoes, Meesta Jedi! Haha! Sho' nuff." 2. Rasputia in "Norbit" (Eddie Murphy) Even more than his "srightry lasist" Asian-American caricature Mr Wong, it's Eddie Murphy's Big Momma monster Rasputia who snaps your patience like a twig. Staggeringly fugly, staggeringly unfunny. That sound? Your teeth grinding. MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: Stealing her catchphrases from Whitney Houston ("Hell to the no") and Joey Tribbiani ("How YOU doin'?"). 1. Carter Burke in "Aliens" (Paul Reiser) One of the smarmiest cowards in modern cinema. Having tricked Ellen Ripley into returning to an alien-infested planet, he tries to save a pet facehugger, then tries to let it kill Ripley and Newt, then runs off to hide while everyone else is fighting. Happily, he doesn't hide well enough. Chomp! MOST PUNCHABLE MOMENT: Switching off the security monitors while Ripley is attacked by a facehugger.

Orignal From: The 10 most annoying movie characters ever!

OT: Breaking News....Moon Will Not Move

That's right...Earth's Moon is going to stay right where it is doing what is always does. It will appear to rise up from the Eastern horizon or pop out of the clouds. If it begins to bounce on words of a song, then sing loudly and let your heart be Free!

Orignal From: OT: Breaking News....Moon Will Not Move

PolitiFact: E-mail 'analysis' of health bill needs a check-up

PolitiFact read the 1000 page bill, which they said wasn't that bad since the text only takes up about a third of the page. They also read the legislative summary and consulted with an independent health care analyst at the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan foundation that studies health care reform. Read the Pants on Fire report and for those who cannot access it see the next post. Link

Orignal From: PolitiFact: E-mail 'analysis' of health bill needs a check-up

FYI: Side-by-Side Comparison of Major Health Care Reform Proposals

Achieving comprehensive health reform has emerged as a leading priority of the President and Congress. President Obama has outlined eight principles for health reform, seeking to address not only the 45 million people who lack health insurance, but also rising health care costs and lack of quality. In Congress, a number of comprehensive reform proposals have been announced as the debate proceeds over how to overhaul the health care system. This interactive side-by-side compares the leading comprehensive reform proposals across a number of key characteristics and plan components. Included in this side-by-side are proposals for moving toward universal coverage that have been put forward by the President and Members of Congress. In an effort to capture the most important proposals, we have included those that have been formally introduced as legislation as well as those that have been offered as draft proposals or as policy options. This side-by-side offers a summary of the major components of these proposals; detailed descriptions of provisions relating to the Medicare and Medicaid programs can be found online. It will be regularly updated to reflect changes in the proposals and to incorporate major new proposals as they are announced. Link The link is to the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan foundation that studies health care reform. Once there you have options of generating your own PDF comparison or selecting between the two Congressional authorizing committee proposals or a side-by-side comparison of all proposals and topic. All are in a printable PDF format. Also, there are links, within the introduction, that will take you to the detailed descriptions of provisions relating to Medicare and Medicad programs.

Orignal From: FYI: Side-by-Side Comparison of Major Health Care Reform Proposals

Saleable? 2 1956 letters to 2 little girls from the white house

I have no idea where to go with these for advice so I'll start here. The one on top (to my sister) is postmarked Nov. 16. Inside is a generic response from Eisenhauer. The signature is raised, you can really feel the ink, but I can't imagine the president would have actually signed it himself. Did they have autopens (I think that's term) back then? The second is to me (at age 6; I just found these and do not recall them at all). It's a typed letter, postmarked Nov. 29, from the assistant to the president. I can't read the signature, but imagine it might be authentic, since the letter is typed. My thinking is to list them separately but at the same time. I would so appreciate any advice for selling them. Especially regarding categories. Autographs? Stamps? (They're 3-centers). Historical memorabilia? Thanks!

Orignal From: Saleable? 2 1956 letters to 2 little girls from the white house

ObamaNation: Why the Health Care Comparisons are Phony

The drafts don't represent the final bill. Barry made a campaign promise to give the public 5 days to review legislation before it was voted on. Cap and tax was voted on half a day after the final bill was posted. Barry made no effort to live up to his promise. Let's put it politely: Mr. President, you lied. Pelosi was asked on Thursday if she would commit to giving the public a week after the bill was in it's final form. She talked about following her rules, which is another way of saying "no". She ignored the question about giving the CBO time to produce a cost estimate. Dirty Harry Reid gave pretty much the same weasel-worded excuses. Cap-and-tax magically gained 300 pages overnight. Those pages weren't written that night. They were sitting in some drawer waiting to come out at the right moment. That "600 page" draft we're looking at now will be over 1,000 pages in final form. Most of the rest is sitting in that desk drawer right now, hidden out of sight. Google is not a substitute for education or intelligence. — cornercube, 2009

Orignal From: ObamaNation: Why the Health Care Comparisons are Phony

Health Care Web Site...REality Check

Link So as not to get lost in all the other health care threads

Orignal From: Health Care Web Site...REality Check

August 10 and 11 File Suit Against August 12

Claim damages resulting from premature claim of sunrise. Attorneys for the plaintiffs claim that the announcement was a cheap attempt to draw attention away from the longer days to be heralded by sunrise on August 10 and 11. Furthermore, sunrise August 12 was labeled "a theoretical event whose real probability will not be determined until the events of August 10 and 11 have successfully transpired". Google is not a substitute for education or intelligence. — cornercube, 2009

Orignal From: August 10 and 11 File Suit Against August 12

what do you deserve?

It seems that at least in the USA, where there is more to be had than in many countries, people feel that they deserve something. There is an entitlement. Great offense is taken for real and perceived disrespect. I have heard the following statement multiple times. I am owed this (that, or the other thing). It about time things go my way. The question is, do you think you deserve to have something? Do you think that this is part of the reason for the enormous amount of money being appropriated at the federal level? If we feel we are owed or entitled, can there ever be a level of satisfaction where these emotional can end?

Orignal From: what do you deserve?

Mad Men Marathon on AMC Now

FYI At the moment they are still on the first season.

Orignal From: Mad Men Marathon on AMC Now

Saturn's Rings to Disappear Tuesday

Srsly. Link .

Orignal From: Saturn's Rings to Disappear Tuesday

Listing fees promotion for selling books?

A few months ago there was some sort of promotion for books. I dont remember what it was (listing fees down to a few cents, no insertion fees if you offer free shipping, something like this). Is this still going on? Where can I see what has happened to the ebay listing fees for media items? I know the fees got a lot better but I didnt know if it was permanent or temporary promotion. Heck, i just got slammed with subtitle fees which were free for a 'limited time'. not anymore Thanks for our help

Orignal From: Listing fees promotion for selling books?

Sun to Rise August 12!

Will be visible over most of the U.S., except where it's not. Scientists advise that this is 365 times more frequent than yearly events. Please note that due to the extreme popularity of this event, viewing in each community will be strictly limted to the assigned times. Check your local newspaper. DISCLAIMER: This post is not intended to substitute for legal or medical device, and should in no way be construed as advice to enter upon any particular course of action, included by not limited to allowing yourself, your children, or your pets to enter the outdoors unsupervised, looking at or near the sun, the sky, or any facsimile thereof, and is not presented as a guarantee of any result, such as the finding of personal or group enlightenment of any kind. Google is not a substitute for education or intelligence. — cornercube, 2009

Orignal From: Sun to Rise August 12!

OT: Hey all you Math whizzes out there....

This looks like a good eBay candidate listing. The formula to multiply any two numbers in your head without paper: Link I have not sent in my $33 dollars yet to prove or disprove this. .

Orignal From: OT: Hey all you Math whizzes out there....


Are "They" Or "We" The Government? In an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Joseph Ellis takes the long view on these modern arguments and attitudes we've inherited from Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. The debates on health care and bailouts are two disputes over government intervention in the US In an op-ed for The Los Angeles Times, ... Link - 5 hours ago - Did anyone read this is Sunday's LA Times? A very interesting discussion --- I noted many "Libertarians" called in to speak their beliefs. ... thought of you redduck333, when the FED was brought up in the discussion.

Orignal From: Are

Strange book covers

.......... Link Scotty

Orignal From: Strange book covers

Do you consider yourself a booksmeller?

Do you sniff those pages with your booksmeller's nose, Do you wash them covers with your booksmeller's hose; Do you use enough Fabreeze that you buy it by the case, Does the smell of Monte Cristos put a frown upon yer face? Do you bury 'em in kitty litter for a week or two, Do you interleave with sof'ner sheets and microwave 'em too; Do ya leave 'em in the Ion Chamber for a couple weeks, Just to take 'em out and scream, "this %$#^

Orignal From: Do you consider yourself a booksmeller?

The Courthouse Ring

Atticus Finch and the limits of Southern liberalism. Link Carolinamoon--I'd especially like your thoughts on this article. My degree trained me to right this sort of carp. But some carp is better, or at least more relevant than other carp. This article made me feel a bit guilty, even dirty. I'm not looking for answers or forgiveness. Just thoughts.

Orignal From: The Courthouse Ring

A special treat in case you missed it

Link For the E.Q. 120 and I.Q. 70 crowd.

Orignal From: A special treat in case you missed it


My FOL find of the month. Picked up a book for personal reading ... almost didn't because of condition, and then decided yes because of subject matter and fair scarcity of the book : Sakya Buddha: A Versified, Annotated Narrative of his Life and Teachings by E. D. Root, an American Buddhist, published in 1880 in N. Y. by Charles P. Somerby, didn't look further through it at the sale, but upon getting home and culling through my findings, realised this : There is a nice gift inscription from the author in his hand. But there was more: This is sort of quite satisfying. One of my favorite nineteenth century souls.

Orignal From: Bookplates.

Late Summer Movies That I Am Waiting For.....

Can't wait to see.... District 9 - 8/14 Inglorious Basterds - 8/21 Taking Woodstock - 8/26 Anyone waiting impatiently for some new movies or have seen some recent releases??? (I am waiting for Julia

Orignal From: Late Summer Movies That I Am Waiting For.....

What DON'T You Deserve?

. My first. I could just

Orignal From: What DON'T You Deserve?

Do I have a First Edition, Babar - Do I get to jump with glee or NOT?

Do I have a special edition of Babar, 1st Edition? Or ?? It is a Cat in the Hat Beginner Book, Random House. Copyright 1967. Hardback with dust jacket. The front flap of the dust jacket has "195/195" in the right corner. I have taken photos of the front, back, and both flaps of the dust jacket. Thank you for any info. Oh, if it does happen to a First or Some sort of a Special edition, do I get to Jump Up and Down with Glee, mildly clap, or still be disappointed? You can click the images to enlarge.

Orignal From: Do I have a First Edition, Babar - Do I get to jump with glee or NOT?

ObamaNation: Down at the Old Town Hall

"If they're going to put a boot on people's necks, the people have the right to confront their oppressors." Link They're voting on 1,000 page bills they haven't read, and not one of them even knows who wrote the bills. With key members of the administration admitting this week that taxes will have to go up on the middle class to pay for the trillions of dollars in spending--proving once again that Barry lied when he promised that no one making less than $250,000 a year would see a tax increase--the Dimocrats are getting a little pushback on their grandiose plans for a New Socialism. Google is not a substitute for education or intelligence. — cornercube, 2009

Orignal From: ObamaNation: Down at the Old Town Hall

ROMPER ROOM TIME...............................

I SEE YOU.................................................... AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU.............................................................................. Me Ebay's BookSeller Board is not a substitute for education or intelligence.

Orignal From: ROMPER ROOM TIME...............................

Fa-RUIT PIES! Getcher Fa-RUIT PIES here!

Oh yeah... we got 'em!

Orignal From: Fa-RUIT PIES! Getcher Fa-RUIT PIES here!

where do i go for live chat to help me with my listing?

WHer do i go for live help?

Orignal From: where do i go for live chat to help me with my listing?

The story of the frog

Everybody knows that, if you throw a frog into boiling water, he will jump out faster than you can throw him in. However, if you put him in a pot of lukewarm water and turn the heat on low enough, he will happily sit and enjoy the bath until he finally boils to death. The Marxists have been doing this to the American public since the 1930s, with a few rare moments when the heat was turned down a little. Recently, Reid and Pelosi began turning the heat a little higher. Then, just before the frog's nerves were heated enough to start becoming numb, along comes pResident Obama, the pyromaniac...

Orignal From: The story of the frog

Taliban Winning in Afghanistan while Killing Americans at a Record Pace

The Taliban have gained the upper hand in Afghanistan, the top American commander there said, forcing the U.S. to change its strategy in the eight-year-old conflict by increasing the number of troops in heavily populated areas like the volatile southern city of Kandahar, the insurgency's spiritual home. Gen. Stanley McChrystal warned that means U.S. casualties, already running at record levels, will remain high for months to come. .................... The militants are mounting sophisticated attacks that combine roadside bombs with ambushes by small teams of heavily armed militants, causing significant numbers of U.S. fatalities, he said. July was the bloodiest month of the war for American and British forces, and 12 more American troops have already been killed in August Yadayadayada Link

Orignal From: Taliban Winning in Afghanistan while Killing Americans at a Record Pace

Does Anyone Remember the Our Lady of Angels Fire?

Does anyone else remember the Our Lady of Angels School fire in Chicago on December 1, 1958? As a Catholic school child, this made a huge impact on my life in so many ways. I was attending a Catholic school that looked much like Our Lady of Angels in Dayton, Ohio. Our nuns, who were Franciscan, had us pray for the "best of the best angels that God took home" in that fire and we each required to pick a name to say prayers for. 92 children including 3 nuns burnt up in that firetrap of a school. Yet, we were not allowed to talk directly about what caused that inferno, but merely to pray for the departed as angels and to choose one name and pray to that child who would watch out for us to get us into Heaven. God took home the best of his little angels. Great....the rest of us sat in school, the same ages as those who were burned up...telling us that we should choose someone who was burned up as our chosen angel to pray to. Luckily for me, I attended a brand new Catholic school in Fairborn and didn't have to worry so much about those old Catholic schools. Yet, it made a huge impact on my life. First of all, I knew that good Catholic kids, including we Fitzgibbon kids, could die. I was 11 when it happened. Yet, I never, ever forgot that a ton of kids just like me...92 of them...died in that fire. About five or ten years ago, I stumbled across a book about that fire entitled... "To Sleep With the Angels" and I learned quite a bit about what caused the fire, including the negligence of the fire department and diocese. And, every so often, I recalled the "angel" I had chosen back then to pray to. Today, I was once again thinking about the "angel" I had chosen. And, I went to google to see if there was anything new since the last time I had looked it up. And, lo and behold, there is an entire site about this fire that killed so many. It is If you remember, this is a great site.

Orignal From: Does Anyone Remember the Our Lady of Angels Fire?

OT These are our neighbors???

So, supposedly, these folks who are protesting at Town Halls are our neighbors. Thus far, Republican neighbors in Old Northeast of St. Pete, find these folks super embarrassng. Not a one of them believes they are neighbors of ours. In Old Northeast, we are equally divided between liberals and conservatives, yet we get along quite well. Yet, none of my neighbors, Republicans...think that screaming at town halls is more than ignorant embarrassent. Good for my Republican neighbors. So, let's look at the screamers. Lots of over 65 folks who are already on Medicare. Lots of men with beer guts, who will cost the rest of us mucho money as we take care of them. Lots of obese they think that the Republicans really want to take care of these obese folks??? I don't think so.,, The truth is that I don't know a soul who is Republican in my neighborhood who identifies with the sreamers at the town hall meetigs! Perhaps, some of the posters here live in different neighborhoods than Old Northeast in St. Pete. If you want to see my neighborhood, we are in a historic neighborhood and all over the "internets."

Orignal From: OT These are our neighbors???

OT: $98 Million Bonus for Citibank Employee

The NY Times reported on the $98 million bonus that is owed to an oil trader working for a Citigroup affiliate. Since Citi was given $45 billion in taxpayer funded aid, do you think he should be paid the contractual bonus? $100 Million Payday Poses Problem for Pay Czar Wearing peculiarity is not the same as being considered odd.

Orignal From: OT: $98 Million Bonus for Citibank Employee

Dietary tips for Sound Body

Do not eat the Gray Donuts.

Orignal From: Dietary tips for Sound Body

3.99 shipping

I've tried searching for this but I'm coming up with nothing. I thought there was a way to charge more for shipping books. I'm selling a "lot" of books and want to charge more. Is there a way of doing this? I'm using auction software and it is not letting me list. Thanks

Orignal From: 3.99 shipping

What should i list this book for.

Hi. I have a book that is called "Speciman Book and Catalogue 1923 AMerican Type Founders Company. I see it listed on Amazon for $500.00 to $650.00 no less. What do you think i should start this out i thought about $19.99 but is that to low?

Orignal From: What should i list this book for.