Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rule-Set Reset

In simple terms, a situation in which things have changed so dramatically that new rules must be formulated to cope with it. Sometimes, these new rules are so draconian that another Rule-Set Reset is indicated to cope with the consequences. This is a hot topic in my industry, with the prevailing theory that the government reaction to the financial crisis may have permanently changed the financial landscape to the extent that past investment and risk-return histories and philosophies will have to be re-evaluated and possibly changed forever. Capitalism may no longer be viable over the long term and capital will have to seek alternative investments outside the traditional markets. Socialization of the Western economies have largely been sustained by the innovation, research and development of Capitalist America. If our GDP growth is cut by one-third, what happens to the GDP of the other countries already at that level? What will be the downward spiraling effect? If we "nationalize" many of our financial and industrial companies and then follow that up by "nationalizing" our health care and energy industries, do the remnants of our markets move offshore ... and to where? Politics and finances are irreparably intertwined under this new Rule-Set Reset. We have gone beyond regulation and entered the realm of mandates. This may be why I talk politics so much here on the board. When I retire in a couple of years, I'll talk more books and less politics and finance (and probably be very boring). Fight organized crime Don't re-elect anyone

Orignal From: Rule-Set Reset

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