Monday, September 7, 2009

compact flash memory

compact flash memory

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Scary website!

Link Fight organized crime Don't re-elect anyone

Orignal From: Scary website!

Happy Birthday Ibesheshe!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, lucky I am to have such a wonderful friend as you..... Have a lovely day and plate up the cake!! XXOO

Orignal From: Happy Birthday Ibesheshe!!!!!!!!

Librarians with Tattoos...


Orignal From: Librarians with Tattoos...

Gorgeous book art

Continuing my fascination with book art. Amazing artworks created from old books Artist Su Blackwell creates these spectacular paper models from old books and sells them for up to

Orignal From: Gorgeous book art

She baked her way out of foreclosure

During the Great Depression, people sold apples in the streets to get enough money for their next meal. Fast-forward 80 years to another recession and meet Angela Logan, who is selling apple cakes to friends, neighbors and total strangers over the Internet to get enough money to save her home from foreclosure. Link I know it's a feel good story. But it seemed the sort of story that might meet approval with both ends of the political spectrum. These things never turn out the way you expect, though.

Orignal From: She baked her way out of foreclosure

Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner.....

Hey guys, thought you'd might like to see this - another cool find..... Found in a local So Cal Bookshop on Saturday night. Since I'll never own or likely even see another copy in my lifetime, I thought it was worth posting about - also, as more encouragement to the rest of the book folk that the 'Big Fish' are still biting.... Anyone out there know the significance of this edition of this title ? (also, not directly related to the signature) Hint:

Orignal From: Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner.....

Cell phone surf'in

What's a good web site for pricing books, like at an estate sale, that fits a cell phone format; particularly, a Samsung Blackjack where all I can do is scroll down the page? I need a site with an easy search method, and less graphics would work better on my phone. Thanks.

Orignal From: Cell phone surf'in

Classic Rock Videos

My Beat Club has a whole ton of classic rock perfomance videos, mostly from old German TV shows Musikladen and Beat Club. Among the videos on offer are Small Faces' Tin Soldier, Chuck Berry's School Days, Ike

Orignal From: Classic Rock Videos

More Book Art

The Sculpture of Alex Qurel Phonebooks as art and other re-uses of printed material. Link

Orignal From: More Book Art

A music industry phenomenon I've noticed is that ...

... when a particular genre of music is no longer hot, often some of the best examples of it are perfected/produced way later. Example: Link

Orignal From: A music industry phenomenon I've noticed is that ...

I will either be around alot or I will disappear

Better drive slower than usual if that is possible. Well, I have been exhausted lately. Had all my blood work done last week. With the numbers they gave me back today I now know why I want to just sleep all day long. I don't have any blood. Which one of you guys sucked me dry?? I have been warned to take it easy as a wreck or bad fall could make me not only bruise easy but bleed internally. But, you know me, I am not going to quit at anything I do. Tough. Will go back on the flipping meds and live through this too. Now I am off, going to try to do a back flip like I use to when I was 12. (teasing). I cooking fake red beans over here. Man, they look absolutely nasty, but it is food, so shut up and eat it. Me Me Ebay's BookSeller Board is not a substitute for education or intelligence.

Orignal From: I will either be around alot or I will disappear

Addall Now Has a No Print-on-Demand Results Option

In case you haven't noticed it: Link right under Keyword exclude: -- Jonathan Grobe

Orignal From: Addall Now Has a No Print-on-Demand Results Option


Two brothers here talked Liz into painting one of their bikes, an ole shovel head Harley. Gotta love the barter system. After the rains, and the govt makes some attempt to fill potholes in the highway, we're going on a spin up the mountains to a town that serves the best chicken fajitas in the state of Jalisco. Woohooo...... Harley Motorcycle

Orignal From: Vrooooooom.....

Vero Beach sellers or bookstores?

I'll be in Vero Beach from 8/2-8/9. Any of you nearby? Any bookstores to recommend? I recall from many years ago a lovely B

Orignal From: Vero Beach sellers or bookstores?

Happy Belated Birthday HOH!

I wish I had the date so that we all could have celebrated together. Happy Birthday special lady!

Orignal From: Happy Belated Birthday HOH!

Is there anyone who doesn't like treasure stories

Housewife finds

Orignal From: Is there anyone who doesn't like treasure stories

No One To Talk To ... All By Myself ... I'm Just Garage Sale'in ... Not

(With apologies to Fats Waller) No One To Talk To ... All By Myself ... I'm Just Garage Sale'in ... Not Sittin

Orignal From: No One To Talk To ... All By Myself ... I'm Just Garage Sale'in ... Not

If you were in this situation, what would you do?

I thus far have 100% positive feedback with over 650 responses--mainly book sales. I had a store but no longer do so. I think the easiest way for me to present this inquiry is through a 'what would you do approach'. I am focused on saving time in listing. a. I plan to list about 150 first edition books-most in fine condition-with pub dates ranging from 1965 to the present. They are a mix of literary titles (Mailer, Bukjaree, Vidal, Philip Roth, etc. some pop fiction like Stephen King, Scot Turow, et al., ad naseum. And to finish up, a third category of obscure novels by some well known people J.K. Galbraith, T. Williams, Harold Pinter, Tom Stoppard (these writers are well known but not as novelists). b. That's the inventory. Should I just list them individually or would it be worth learning turbo lister for this one time effort? If I do list them, do I need to be concerned with attractive templates or will the number of books for sale and linkages between them be enough to attract potential buyers. Should these be auction or fixed price or should I provide the option? If I describe a book as "As New" or "Spotless" should in upload a photo anyway? I am assuming a note stating combined shipping available is appropriate. Since I hae several titles from one author, i.e., 6 from Updike, 5 from Philip Roth, etc., should I mention this in the text of the appropriate listings.Finally, would it be worth it to open a store just for these listings since I don't know if I wll need it after that. Well, that's it. BTW, one reason to avoid lengthy computer/upload time is because I have repetitive stress injuries in my arms, and the less typing the better for me.

Orignal From: If you were in this situation, what would you do?

Ireland passes blasphemy law

On Friday July 11th, 2009, Ireland passed the Defamation Bill by one vote. One of the aspects of this bill would make it illegal to criticize religion

Orignal From: Ireland passes blasphemy law

Rule-Set Reset

In simple terms, a situation in which things have changed so dramatically that new rules must be formulated to cope with it. Sometimes, these new rules are so draconian that another Rule-Set Reset is indicated to cope with the consequences. This is a hot topic in my industry, with the prevailing theory that the government reaction to the financial crisis may have permanently changed the financial landscape to the extent that past investment and risk-return histories and philosophies will have to be re-evaluated and possibly changed forever. Capitalism may no longer be viable over the long term and capital will have to seek alternative investments outside the traditional markets. Socialization of the Western economies have largely been sustained by the innovation, research and development of Capitalist America. If our GDP growth is cut by one-third, what happens to the GDP of the other countries already at that level? What will be the downward spiraling effect? If we "nationalize" many of our financial and industrial companies and then follow that up by "nationalizing" our health care and energy industries, do the remnants of our markets move offshore ... and to where? Politics and finances are irreparably intertwined under this new Rule-Set Reset. We have gone beyond regulation and entered the realm of mandates. This may be why I talk politics so much here on the board. When I retire in a couple of years, I'll talk more books and less politics and finance (and probably be very boring). Fight organized crime Don't re-elect anyone

Orignal From: Rule-Set Reset

What was President Obama thinking?

Only my opinion, of course, but for him to have this incredibly important press conference on health care and to wrap it up by calling out the police referring to them as "acting stupidly", seems stupid. He had to know that this was what people would be talking about. Or is that what he wants? It just seems really shortsighted given the importance of the health care debate.

Orignal From: What was President Obama thinking?

ain't nuttin' mo' impotent

Ah bees so skeered. an now dis cats jumpin' out'n dat bag. nuff's enuff much love to all dem whut kin see it fo' whut 'twas nuttin' but fun. An a fractured psyche ha, lousy ruse. One hella blast Some y'alls a hoot an really fun folks! Ah do love yer wits. Y'all has no idear whut it uhs lack tah play dis game. Ah loved an hate it. Truly. Putzi, I miss you. Blue, you are sumthin! a most enjoyable group even if'n y'all gits on mah lass nerve an t'othah one too. all y'all truly sumpin else. Mebbe y'all knows it mebbe y'all don't Yer on notice. brilliant folks Ah's jess a bit sadder 'an one po' foo otter be lately ah cain't take it no mo' no mo' foolin' ah's bin choked mah haid a spinnin' but nevah lack dis ah's skeered Y'alls a good gaggle true nuff aH KNOWS. All y'all rabble-rousers mah kin an' kith please help my friend the way you know how this group of oddballs. You. Ah'll miss y'all as much as ah cain't stand ye rat now tonight NOTHING else matters to me. Link __________________ 2 bits fer brains? I'm on that like pigs on slop!

Orignal From: ain't nuttin' mo' impotent

Official Airline Guide - book of flight schedules

I Just sold 2 OAG's and I have no idea why anyone would want 'em! The books are similar to telephone directories and just as exciting. Page after page after page of scheduled flight departures and landings. One of the books sold for 10 dollars (American ed)and the other sold for 90 dollars (International ed). I am really curious why these books have any value to anyone. Both books are around 20 years old and apparently were used by travel agents before the internet appeared. Any ideas? After I ship the books today, I will e-mail the buyers and simply ask them. I'll let you know what they said. Scotty

Orignal From: Official Airline Guide - book of flight schedules

Ellery Queen: The Finishing Stroke

Copyright 1958. The book is inscribed to Bill Rukeyser: "Your mother's talk was wonderful-and I didn't mind at all being the only man present! Ellery Queen. From research I found a Muriel Rukeyser Link who was a poet/activist. It lists her son as: Son: William L. Rukeyser (b. 1947, not born to her husband). Could this be the same person (Mother) being the son would be about 11?

Orignal From: Ellery Queen: The Finishing Stroke

ObamaNation: Barry's Auntie in New Digs on the Public Dime

what a stinking crock: Barack Obama

Orignal From: ObamaNation: Barry's Auntie in New Digs on the Public Dime

Crowley shows up with attorney and union rep

Orignal From: Crowley shows up with attorney and union rep

Ottawa demands eBay sellers pay tax


Orignal From: Ottawa demands eBay sellers pay tax

The Kindle Ate Our Homework ... Students Sue

A high school student has sued Amazon, claiming the retailer ruined his homework on George Orwell's 1984 by deleting the electronic version of the book without warning from the teenager's Kindle. Justin D. Gawronski, who lives in Michigan, filed the lawsuit Thursday in federal court in Seattle. He was joined in the complaint by Antoine J. Bruguier of California, who also had the book deleted from his Kindle. The plaintiffs, who claim Amazon did not have the right to remove the book, are seeking class-action status. ........................................ ........................................ Amazon Chief Executive Jeff Bezos last week apologized for removing the books, saying the company's handling of the problem presented by unknowingly selling illegal copies of the books was "stupid, thoughtless, and painfully out of line with our principles." Nevertheless, Gawronski and Bruguier argue that Amazon is still liable for the damages caused by its actions that go beyond refunding the money spent on the e-books. The plaintiffs are seeking restitution for "all damages caused by its conduct," as well as litigation expenses and attorney fees. The plaintiffs are being represented by the Chicago law firm KamberEdelson. In addition, the suit asks the court to rule that Amazon does not have the right to remotely delete digital content from Kindles and such action is a violation of Amazon's terms of use for the device. "Unless restrained and enjoined, Amazon will continue to commit such acts," the lawsuit says. Yadayadayada Link

Orignal From: The Kindle Ate Our Homework ... Students Sue

Epic coordinated dance wedding cool!

This just about made my have got to see this...... Link

Orignal From: Epic coordinated dance wedding cool!

My snipe on this earlier tonight didn't even register but ...

... this book stirs up some intriguing discomfort among certain groups >>> Link

Orignal From: My snipe on this earlier tonight didn't even register but ...

Simon's cat catches a fly


Orignal From: Simon's cat catches a fly

Mosquitoes deliver malaria 'vaccine' through bites

In a daring experiment in Europe, scientists used mosquitoes as flying needles to deliver a "vaccine" of live malaria parasites through their bites. The results were astounding: Everyone in the vaccine group acquired immunity to malaria; everyone in a non-vaccinated comparison group did not, and developed malaria when exposed to the parasites later. Link How could this go wrong?

Orignal From: Mosquitoes deliver malaria 'vaccine' through bites

Parlez-Vous Fran?ais ? Help w/ Napoleonic Era French Docs

I picked up a stack of French broadsides and documents at an estate sale the other day. Appearently, no one else looked at them. I immediately noticed the broadsides the dates, and realized they were worth getting, esp at the price. Before heading off to a French professor, I thought I

Orignal From: Parlez-Vous Fran?ais ? Help w/ Napoleonic Era French Docs

What can I do about this international bidder I thought

I turned down a couple of days ago. He just bid and won the auction. Aaaaaaaaarrgh. AUSTRALIA: Q: Hi, how much for shipping to Australia? Jul-28-09 A: 8:58am, MST in Arizona. THANK YOU FOR YOUR QUESTION. Shipping for Australia is Priority Mail? International 6 - 10 Days $41.50 First-Class Mail? International Large Envelope* Large Envelopes that are rigid, nonrectangular, or not uniformly thick. Varies $26.95 (I don't know if this book will qualify for First Class International because of its' size... that's why I limited choices for shipping).* But in the future, if this doesn't work, do let us know if you have interest as we attempt to please our Aussie friends. Thank You. *Australia was not on International Shipping list.

Orignal From: What can I do about this international bidder I thought

Science just ain't what it used to be ...


Orignal From: Science just ain't what it used to be ...

How do you price a book if you can't find it available anywhere?

I'm selling books donated to our local Friends of the Library, and have a donated book that is listed but unavailable on The River, and which I can't find anywhere else. The publisher appears to be out of business. I've tried all the standard ABE, AddAll, all the biblio's, all the ones listed on the yellow post and on the red board, etc. I've tried the UK and european versions of many sites. It's a book on t The r Reformation of Reform Judaism by Neusner, so I tried a number of judaica booksellers from a google search. But nothing on their sites either. I don't want to list it at a very high price on ebay, and just waste the FOL's money on listing fees by not selling it at that price, but I also don't want to well underprice it and forgo money that could be used for library programs. If you can't find a comparable price to use as a start....what do you more experienced booksellers do? Many THanks Judy

Orignal From: How do you price a book if you can't find it available anywhere?

For Seattle

Praying for cooler temperatures in the Northwest USA Cool pictures for cool imaging... Stay Save Check on a neighbor Know where your cool down stations are _________________________ Sumtymes I donut cry i jest weaps

Orignal From: For Seattle



Orignal From: S

The Mysterious Downfall of the Neandertals

Paleoanthropologists know more about Neandertals than any other extinct human. But their demise remains a mystery, one that gets curiouser and curiouser Link

Orignal From: The Mysterious Downfall of the Neandertals

Libertines with Tattoos

I know for a fact that I won't regret this tattoo. Once my life changes and I settle down, I won't resent the word libertine being a part of me. It's a snapshot of an amazing point in my life, one where I can honestly say I was completely happy, which I'll never forget. All I can say now is that I look forward to having more tattoos, and wish everyone luck with their future mods. Link

Orignal From: Libertines with Tattoos

The Quill Greenwich Village 1926 ?

I apologize, I know this is not a book but I did not know where to go for help and I am not sure where to list this little magazine, The Quill, Greenwich Village, May 1926. I found a few bits of information about the publication. I don't know about searching magazines on the book sites. This is what is written on page 6, The Quill: an informal magazine containing almost everything. Anybody accusing us of being literary, socialistic, modern, bohemian, or of the intelligentsia will be sued and shot to the fullest extent of the law, Properly Censored by the Morally Inadequate. Motto: Our village right or wrong, but anyhow, our Village. Any thoughts on a category? Thanks in advance.

Orignal From: The Quill Greenwich Village 1926 ?

Where did it go?

Had to take time to fill my son's and new daughter-in-law's bathroom with balloons. Put a big ol' Just Married sign in their yard, too. Tied a dozen helium balloons on it. Hope the neighbors don't fuss. They will be home tonight. Did you guys misbehave? Better not say. Liz

Orignal From: Where did it go?

Abbey Road Revisited

The Abbey Habit: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery for the Beatles, as 'most famous' album cover inspires dozens of imitations Link

Orignal From: Abbey Road Revisited

What makes a book antiquarian?

Is it something inherent in the book? Something in the bookseller's presentation of the book for sale? Something else altogether?

Orignal From: What makes a book antiquarian?